The ghost at the studio

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I've decided to make a book just to put some random Larry (and other ships) one shots that i think of


P.O.V. you are a ghost that lives at the recording studio Harry and Louis use

I was sitting in one of rooms in the recording studios waiting for the next person to come in. It was always super interesting to see the people coming in because there were the super famous people that were coming into record stuff for their new album.

Then were groups weather they are inspiring groups of high school students wanting to be the next big thing, or the biggest bands on the planet, it was always interesting to see what kind of bond they have, if they are friends behind camera or if they got forced into the group by some one like Si*on Cow$hit and hate each other.

I'm sitting in the room in the back of the hallway, and perk up when I hear the front door open, I look out in the hallway to see two of the biggest artist walking down the hallway.

Harry freaking Styles and Louis fooking Tomlinson, are there, they are two of the biggest artist in the world. They are two out of five (now four) members of One Direction. One Direction went into a hiatus in 2015 so its been almost 5 years but they are been working on solo music and all of them have 1-2 albums, other then Louis who is working on his. A/N I'm sorry that was a lot of pain in that.

I hear the door to the room I'm in open and I noticed i had been spaced out for the last minute thinking about 1D. I look to them. Harry, Louis, Larry Stylinson, not only in the same room as me but as each other.

My eyes travel down to where their hands were joined together. I am silently screaming.

They come in and Harry sits down in one of the chairs as Louis goes over and starts playing the new song, a few minutes later Louis starts singing his new song

.... cause we made it under estimated

now we're say goodbye

I see Harry get a smirk and then a second later he echos in the back saying goodbye again Louis, Louis half glared half smirked over at Harry.

After he was done recording his song with a little more help from Harry, they got up and were getting ready to go home, when i got an amazing idea. Scare Louis.

I go up behind him and poke him in the back. He whips around trying to see what did that while I silently giggle.

I poke him again a little lower, "Hazza that's not funny anymore", "what i didn't do anything Lou". "I keep feeling something poke me in the back" Harry scrunched his eyebrows.

They (don't know about us) went out into the hallway and were walking walking to the reception desk Harry walked up to the desk to talk to the lady behind it, I decide this is my time to shine.

I run up behind Louis and run right through him, he looked around to see where the "wind" came from. Once he turned around I went up behind him and smacked his bum as hard as i could.

He let a very high pitched scream and ran up to Harry and jumped in his arms. Harry chuckled and said "did the ghost touch you again" " yes it smacked my bum" Louis said in a very high pitched voice.

I laugh a bit then turn around to go back to the room, but not before I glance back to see Louis and Harry sharing a loving sweet kiss.

Larry is real I guess!


Word count: 605

I was eating cheetos while writing this fun fact that is not important

thoughts :p

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