Recovery begins

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Tony POV

It has now been 2 more days since Braden, Alex and I have left the team. We are running out of things to do in the house, but I always suggest working out. The two boys are still pretty mad about the accident that happened in Washington DC. I try to help them but I just don't know what to do. Sometimes I ask them is they want to talk to me about it when I have the time, but they always turn me down.

We are also running out of food, since we are living in the middle of nowhere, and there's no grocery stores around here.

"Guys we are running out of food, and we don't have much left" Alex says opening the cupboard.

"Yes, yes I know. One of us is going to have to get some supplies and food for the house at some point" I say fixing up a fire for the night

"I guess were having soup?" Braden says looking over Alex's shoulder.

"I guess so" Alex says looking at Braden.

That night we had some chicken noodle soup and some bread, not the best meal we can have but it's what we have. That night I had a feeling that the boys were still hungry, I was too.

Braden POV

That night I lay in bed thinking about a plan to leave the house for food. It had to happen soon because now we had no food in the house! Pence I got tired a turned to my side, shut my night lamp off and drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up stiff, which was very unusual. I sat up in my bed and massages my muscles, then suddenly when I put my feet on the floor I jumped to the brutal cold that had just hit me.

"What the hell?" I thought to myself

I tip toed to my suit case, to fetch my slippers. I have no needed to use my slippers at all so far, so I was a little suspicious. I put on some PJ pants and a warm sweatshirt. As I walked out of my room I saw the whole living room was freezing! The windows were foggy, the couches were smoothly painted with frost. I ran to the control panel to find that the heater was broken. I rushed to Tony's room and woke him up to tell him what happened. I'm pretty sure Alex was woken up by the noise of Tony and I but he was very confused why we were up so early. It's true it was only 7:00 and we usually sleep till 9:00, I guess the cold woke me up.

It's now 9:00 and Tony has been working at fixing the heater. I finally decided to tell tony and Alex that I would go to get the supplies that we needed.

"So um, I wanted to tell you guys that I thought u should go to get the groceries, if you guys don't mind" I say nervously

"No, Alex is going with you, I don't want you to be alone with what's happening right now" Tony says sternly

"Ya that's fine with me" I say cheerfully trying to brighten up everyone's mood.

"Me too. When should we go?" Alex says

"Soon?" I say, questioning my answer

"Sure" Alex says while walking to his room

A few minutes later Alex and I are fully dressed and ready to go. We walk out side and I hold on to Alex's hand before we take off. The cold air brushed my cheeks, making them turn red.

As we land where no one could see me, I walk to the Provigo near by. As I walk in I grab a cart and start my adventure into the supermarket. One hour pass and I'm at the cashier.

"Your totally today sir is $209.60" the young lady says looking at me

I pull out my credit card and scan it on the tiny machine before I walk out with all the bags of groceries. As I'm walking back to the place Alex was waiting for me I spot someone who looks very familiar. I force myself to look away so that the person doesn't see me. I ran to where Alex stood, grabbed his hand and we leapt into the sky, flying way. As we land on the front door step, I see that the windows were no longer foggy.

"Did he find it?" I ask myself

As I walk in after Alex, Tony screams

"I fixed it!"

I lift as I dried the bags on the counter. I counted about 10 bags of groceries, which was a lot.

"How much was it Braden?" Tony asks me

"Um $209. Something" I say trying to remember

I see Tony pull out his wallet, but I stop him

"Oh please no" I say

"Braden chill out I have a lot more where this game from" he says giving me a smirk.

I chuckle while putting the food away.

Hi men and lady's. This chapter in not very interesting, I know but bare with me. Hopefully it's not terrible, so ya bye!

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