The Birth

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(If you are can stand births then you can read on if not read the next chapter. I don't know much about births but this is what I know. btw congrats on those that gave birth)

Y/N pov

"Um Toby." "Yeah, what's wrong?" "I don't know what happen but I think my water broke." "Ok, um come with me." Toby toke me to my room where Liu was. "Toby what going on?" "Her water broke." "IT WHAT!?" Liu jumps up and takes me. He picks me up and lays me on our bed. "Toby, go get someone." Toby leaves the room well Liu gets me comfortable. It wasn't easy to get comfortable when your about to give birth. A little bit after Toby left he came back with EJ, Nurse Ann and Slenderman. They tried to get Liu to leave the room but it was going to start a fight if they didn't, so stayed with me and held my hand. Slenderman helped Liu get me comfortable, EJ and Nurse Ann got ready to help me deliver my babies. We had to wait until the contractions were at lest a few minutes apart. I would screamed in pain as the contractions want on and Liu was sit beside me holding my hand unable to anything to help me. When the contractions were about 2 to 3 minutes apart EJ told me to start pushing during contractions. I tried not to scream to loud to worry Liu more but I couldn't due to all the pain. "I see the head." EJ told me Liu looked relived. I was happy but I didn't show it as the pain want on. "One more push on the head should be out." I pushed as hard as I could I felt the head come out and pushes hard again. Once Slenderman told me I can stop pushing for a bit I screamed my lugs out., I squeezed Liu's hand as hard as I could. I felt like dieing because of how bad it hurt. After a little bit the contractions stopped so I can rest for a little bit. When they started up again I pushes when told to. When the first was born the pain stopped just like that. I got to hold her well Nurse Ann did what she needed to do well EJ ran to the bathroom to throw up (woo that gets him sick). Me and Liu held her until another contractions started up. I did what they told me to do and they did what they needed to do. Once Both babies were born I felt so tried and was in no pain. I held both of my babies because EJ said I need to have skin to skin contact with my babies for a few hours. Liu stayed in the room at all times and if he needed to leave he'd ask someone to stay with me.

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