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"What do you mean it doesn't count Kol?" Caroline judged him with scrunched lips.

"I didn't say that it didn't count... I said that it was a grey area." he defended himself.

Bonnie raised her arm in the air. "You just said that it was only fair to consider it before you were turned."

Kol laughed distributing another round of beers. "I'm being judged on the accounts of being a vampire."

Elena narrowed her eyes. "You're afraid to admit that you're older than us."

"It depends entirely on what you're using as a reference, my human age before I was turned or my slightly older vampire age."

Caroline and Bonnie burst into a laugh.

"Grandpa..." Bonnie teased with a murmur.

Kol resigned, he wasn't going to win the argument with the girls.

"You have lived longer so that has to count. I'm making it official, you're the oldest of the group." Caroline poshly nodded.

"But I was just around your age when I became a vampire." Kol exasperated.

"Around..." Bonnie mumbled to Elena and they both started giggling.

Kol shook his head but laughed, he had never been one to have many friends, well truth be told he didn't stay long in one place to make any friends and it was even stranger for him that he was in danger of considering all of these girls friends.

The sound of someone opening the front door with too much strength made him look in that direction with a frown. "The bar is closed." he said eyeing the two strangers that walked in smugly.

"Doesn't look closed to me." one of them said smiling at the girls.

Kol rested his hand on the bat that was hidden behind the counter. "Take my word for it, the bar is closed."

"Even for an old friend?" A tall red-haired girl walked in smiling.

"Sage..." Kol closed his hand around the bat.

"Hi Kol, it's been a while..." she winked at him, then as she came closer she grew a bit serious. "I'm here to pick up my boyfriend."

Kol smiled. "Finn is living in the Caribbean with a woman, he's working on his tan and forgetting all about you."

Sage smiled wider. "I happen to know that he is right..." she made circles with her index on the counter. "... here." She tapped the counter.

Kol shook his head. "Just because the family is here, doesn't mean that he is. We have no idea where he is Sage, we parted ways long ago."

She turned her head to have a better look at the girls.

"What do you want Sage?" Kol preferred that she kept her eyes on him.

"A little werewolf bird told me that they know where he is." she slowly looked at Kol.

Within a blinking second he jumped over the counter and hit Sage with a swinging bat, she snarled at him before tackling him into a fight, the small toss around ended with Kol chocking her with the bat.

Against his chest she raised her hand at the newborns ordering them to stand down.

"Patience was never a virtue to me and darling... I never liked you." Kol hissed in her ear.

"I just want Finn, that's all I want." she told him.

"Tell your dogs to back off Sage."

Sage gave one of her best smiles and two other men that walked in with Jeremy under their hold, the boy looked dazed and unsure of what was happening.

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