Chapter 1: The Unbreakable Vow

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In a time where Gods and Goddesses exist and humans worship and honor them, a young God by the name of Perth controls water - including the rain

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In a time where Gods and Goddesses exist and humans worship and honor them, a young God by the name of Perth controls water - including the rain. He lives in a magical realm where one can see plants and sturdier structures coexisting seamlessly. In that realm, there is an immensely large marble palace, flowering vines weaving across the pillars and interestingly enough, water that defies gravity and never runs out. This water is sometimes at the roof of the palace, forming crystals, sometimes dancing on the floor in ripples. The whole realm is filled with gardens in which flora abound - there are wild grass always at the right height, every color and shade of flower known and unknown to man, and fruits that are never seen on Earth flourish proudly on trees.

The realm is tended by child-like creatures that are made completely out of water but have a human child's figure and huge wings with patterns of snowflakes. They are more like ice in that they keep their solid form but are translucent like glass. They are nimble and quick but does not speak and does their chores mostly without being seen by their master.

The master, the Water God Perth, is currently at the garden, where he can be found most often these days. He is standing still in the middle of the greenery, barefoot on the soft grass. His eyes are blank, not really seeing what's in front of him. Every so often, he sighs.

For someone immortal, time is but an abstract concept. Boredom, however, is very much real. After years and years of living, there is only so much that holds the interest of a deity such as Perth.

Through a clear mirror made out of water, he looks at the human race, his face remaining emotionless. The humans are living their lives - engaging in social interactions that are very rarely genuine. While they are young, they treat their lives as if they are immortal but then when they are old, they grumble to the Gods about lost chances. Perth considers them petty and insignificant. So to ease his boredom, he decides that he will play a trick on them. And so on that day, the rains stop.

Somewhere in the land of humans, unheard by the bored Water God, a piercing cry of a baby echoes. A baby boy has been born. And with this life, comes death. As the baby cries his first breath of fresh air, his mother dies. She only had time to utter his name - 'Saint'.

Cradled at the midwife's arms, this is not the only bad news the little baby receives on his birth date. For a messenger that arrives at their house brings the news of Saint's father passing away. The man died while working at the field, before even getting the chance to hold his newborn son.

Just like that, Saint became an orphan and from then on, he is treated as a burden - passed on from relative to relative - and became known as 'the cursed child'. Rumors has it, the orphan boy brings bad luck to people around him. Some even believes he brought the curse of the drought upon them.

For 18 years, it did not rain. The humans became more and more desperate as the drought persisted. With every year without rain, the streams and rivers become more in danger of drying up altogether and no matter how they try to limit the usage of water, there is never enough to go around. There is less water to drink, to cook food with, to water the crops and to feed the livestock.

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