Chapter 11: Quench the Thirst

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~Yes it's a pun. Now let's proceed to the story~

At this point, everyone must be wondering how is it that Saint was able to break the deal he made with Suada. The answer, as Perth has mentioned, has to do with the exact words Suada used.

"I, Suada, the goddess of seduction, shall teach you, the human Saint, the art of seduction so you may better serve your husband."

She made the mistake of referring to Saint as 'human' and therefore, the moment Saint became immortal, the deal became void. It is a simple trickery that Saint didn't even think possible if not for Perth teaching him beforehand of the power of words when it comes to deals made with gods.

Before Saint met up with Suada to make the deal, he had already gone and confessed to Perth. He felt so terrible about avoiding Perth's questions, especially since the water god had been so patient with him and so he sought out his presence.


The water god turns around and sees his betrothed, with Wave flying close to her master's face. "Yes?"

Saint bites his lips and looks down, torn till now whether it is the right decision to tell Perth of his foolishness. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Saint's gaze remains rooted to the ground. "I...I might have done something foolish."

And so Saint confessed. Everything from when he saw Suada and Perth talking to Suada offering him a deal.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be suspicious of you. This isn't how I should be behaving," Saint says when Perth remains silent after he finished relaying what happened.

"I'm disappointed."

Saint flinches. "I'm sorry-"

"Not in you," Perth cuts off. "I'm disappointed in myself. I should have realized Suada won't back off that easy the first time she tried to flirt with me."

Just remembering Suada leaning close to Perth upsets Saint."Because she likes you."

Perth lifts Saint's chin so they are eye to eye once more. "No. She likes the status of being with me. Suada doesn't care about anything but herself. Normally, it wouldn't have bothered me. I'm used to narcissistic immortals." He frowns. "But she shouldn't have gone after you."

"It's alright. I'll just tell her no then. I won't make a deal with her."

"No, do it."

Saint looks at Perth in surprise. "But I thought-"

"Suada crossed a line that she shouldn't have. She's gonna pay for that. And we'll do that with the same trickery that she tried to do to you."

Saint furrows his brows, still confused. "But I don't want to give you to her."

Perth smiles and cups Saint's face fondly. "You won't lose me. You are the only one who'll get to be with me - on our wedding night and all the days after it."

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