Chapter One: Newbie

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"Did you double check that you have everything?" My mother asked.

"Ne! You have asked me that when we left the house!" I exasperated. It was my first day of my new school, three months into the school year. I know, who goes to a new school three months in?! My mother had gotten a promotion, since her boss went to jail, don't even ask, it's a long story.

"I know I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you have everything." She looked like she was about to cry.

"Omma no, please don't do this. I'm not a little baby that's going to school for the first time. I am seventeen years old." I firmly told her.

She sniffed and tried to get herself into check. "I know. I know. Its just so hard-"

"Okay Omma I'm leaving now, I love you." I opened the car door and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Be safe!" She yelled before I walked away. I sighed and secured my bag around my shoulders. Taking in a deep breath, I checked my surroundings.

To my right there were couples making out with each other. Jesus I never knew people could be so hungry. I grimaced.

To my left was a group fight. I couldn't see what was going on since everyone was surrounding the supposed fighters.

I rolled my eyes. This scenery looks like it came out a cheesy highschool movie. I walked to the front doors and tried to find my way into the office.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to Haverty High! You sure look new here, can I help you with anything?" An overly cheerful person greeted me.

I bowed slightly. "Yeah. Could you tell me directions to the office?" I asked.

"Sure thing! Just head straight down. Turn to the right on the first corridor. Fourth door to your left. I hope you have a wonderful day!" The person's smile was so big I thought it was going to stretch out of their face. "Thank you." I muttered, quickly walking away. Their happiness was too overwhelming for me.

I opened the door and it was straight out of a movie. The group closest to me were geeky boys playing on their devices.

There was another group hovered over their lockers, squealing. Must be the fangirls.

I continued walking down the corridor, remembering the directions that the cheerful person told me.

I saw the sign 'Administration Office'. Ding, I have arrived. The office was classicly boring. Plain white walls, plain white and dark blue desk.

The lady on the desk was typing on her computer. The 'click clack' I heard from the keyboard was very loud. I cleared my throat.

I didn't get her attention. "Excuse me?" I interuppted. The bored looking lady looked up at me. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"Ne. My name is Min Hanni I'm a new student here. I was just wondering if I could get my schedule-"

"Just wait one moment please." She held out her finger and started typing at her computer. I raised my eyebrow. Rude.

She handed me a clipboard. "Sign in, and the principal will meet with you shortly." She handed me a pen.

I took the pen with little hesitation and signed my name. I handed her the clipboard and stood waiting. She looked at me weirdly. "You can wait in the chairs." She pointed behind me.

"Right sorry." I bowed and headed over to the empty chairs. I gently sat in the seat and crossed my legs. Looking around I saw a lot of posters.

'Bully free zone'

'Non-smoking area'

Yeah right, I just saw a lot of students doing worse things than this coming here.

The door to the office suddenly opened and in came three people. One was a older person, steam coming out of his ears. The other two were beaten up, one was worse than the other.

"Sit down in those chairs young men." The Older man pushed the two kids towards the empty chairs around me. One guy glared at the older person. The other did what he was told.

"I said sit in the chair young man." He fumed. The guy just scoffed and sat down one chair away from me.

He had a busted lip, and a cut eyebrow. His eye was swelling up. Ouch, that is going to be a bad bruise later. Taking in his appearance, he had brown hair, brown eyes. His face was sort of pretty. His lips were very plump. Overall, he didn't look bad at all.

"You like what you see?" The guy smirked. I was caught off by surprise. Never mind. He now seems like an asshole.

"No. Just seeing how badly your beaten up." I answered. He leaned over to me. "Yeah well you should see that guy over there." He averted his eyes to the other person across the room.

I looked over. Holy hell, he looked worse than the jerk right next to me. "Why did you beat him up?" I asked.

He leaned back and shrugged. My mouth opened in shock. "You don't have a reason?!" I yelled.

"Listen stay out of it. Anyways pretty face, I've never seen you around here. You new?" He asked.

"Ne I'm new." I responded. He looked me at me, up and down. And his gaze stopped at my chest. I immediately covered myself.

"Excuse me. My eyes are up here." I snapped.

"Dollface I wasn't looking for your eyes." He winked at me and smirked. I scoffed, ready to blow up on him.

"Min Hanni. The principal would like to see you now." The lady at the desk called for me. I took a deep breath and stood up.

I made my way over to the door but not without looking back at the guy. He made a smooching face while winking at the same time. "See you later doll face." He spoke.

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