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It's dark out.

Cold and wet too. The tap tap tap the rain makes is hypnotic. It lulls Haru, it makes her want to just curl up on the floor that she knows is hard and uncomfortable, and just fall asleep to the pitter patters. The gentle noise has to mean something. Maybe it's telling her to dash outside, and sing and dance. The water will soak into her clothing while she twirls around, her voice not even nearly outmatching the drops. But for once, no matter how meaningless her actions will be, because no one will hear her and she will definitely catch a mean cold, the mere thought brings peace to Haru.

And that's all she wants. 

That's all she needs to start walking out from under the bus stop, and she's accustomed to using this method to feel safe walking alone in the dark. The thought that big, strong claws can wrap around her at any moment is distant, but present. She can only imagine the privilege a carnivore must have walking alone without any worries. But here she is, meek and helpless. She feels so small, smaller than she is. So lonesome but terrified of anyone else's presence. At least the rain accompanies her. 

Haru's ears twitch to the sound of growing, heavy footsteps. Her heart leaps so high it hits the top of her mouth. She freezes still, but her legs quiver uncontrollably with terror. Her eyes screw shut, but nothing changes. The blurred, distant streetlights disappear from her sight but it's still pitch black. Her heart bangs against her ribcage and a scream sits at the back of her throat, she wishes her mind isn't at a complete blank.

Long, powerful claws wrap around Haru's wrist-- and it's over, she's done she's done she's done she'

"H- Haru!"

Haru's eyes flick open too fast. Her mouth falls open. The absolute relief that hits Haru is so warm and soft she wants to just sob. She wouldn't have ever imagined feeling so happy to hear such a primpy, fetching voice. It sits on Haru, pressing her to the floor. Her knees hit the damp floor hard, and her socks are already damp. She chomps down hard on her bottom lip. She can't cry, not with Juno here. How pathetic.

The grip tightens on her wrist as a startled yelp comes from behind. "Hey, don't just--" Juno groans exasperatedly. "Now you're just asking for a cold, you dunce."

Haru laughs hard, it's so bold in the now gentle rain. "I am a dunce!" she giggles again, this time not choking on her own laughter. It's light and sweet. "I am."

She can feel the strange look Juno's burning into her head. There's a pause, a hesitation, and Juno just goes, "Ugh, it's too late," she complains. "You're already sick."

Haru gives out a snort, and finally brings herself to get up. It finally registers that she dropped her umbrella. When, she doesn't care enough to think into, but picks up the umbrella by the handle. When she turns to face the pretty wolf, she realizes Juno hasn't released her wrist yet. But it only takes that movement for Juno to snap off her hand, holding it closely to herself like it burned. Haru can't let that offend her, it's too childish.

"You don't have an umbrella," Haru slips out from the very front of her mind. Juno's eyes fall to the floor almost guiltily. The corner of Haru's lips lift up, a light chuckle bursts out of her mouth. "You're the one who's going to get sick."

"At least I'm not the one putting myself in danger," Juno huffs. "An umbrella won't save you from a carnivore attack."

The comment takes her aback. How could she forget? She is standing right before the jaws of a carnivore, actually, so this fact should be front and center. But somehow, it escaped her. She was so overwhelmed with warm safety, that she completely forgot what Juno was. A strong, impulsive wolf. Maybe a pretty, petite one, but a wolf nonetheless. She wants to be cautious, but worry fails to grow at her back.

"I hate this so much, but I need to ask you for a favor, Haru. I know we're not on the best terms, but the rain is going to get worse and--" 

"Yeah, yeah. Fine, we can just share my umbrella until we get to the train station." Haru cuts off the panicky sentence, stretching her mouth in discomfort. It shouldn't be this much trouble to ask for such a favor. Juno loves to set unnecessary rules for herself, doesn't she?

Juno's shoulders rise in surprise, and she quickly shuts her mouth. Her jaw clenches as she stares down at her feet. "Really?" she inhales sharply. "Thanks..."

Haru doesn't reply to that, simply brushing it past her. She offers the umbrella to Juno, standing on her toes to reach that far. Juno curls her lip at Haru, clicking her nails together awkwardly. "What?" she says, occasionally glancing to her side like an escape is waiting for her there.

Relaxing her facials in fear of expressing any annoyance feels like lifting a blue whale. Yet, her foot taps rapidly within the next beat. "I'm 36 inches tall, Juno. I'm not going to hold the umbrella for you."

She grimaces in response, rolling her bright blackberries for eyes. "Don't blame me for your ridiculous height," she says with a scoff, and jerks her hand towards the handle of the umbrella. She hesitates, eyes softening for a moment. And for that moment, it feels like there's no one else on the planet but Haru and Juno. She doesn't register anything else. Just the light rising of Juno's chest, and her throat retracting as she swallows. Her lengthy dark lashes fluttering like a butterflies wings, curtaining her precious eyes. So perfect, all of her, so wonderful. A lovely, tender angel that brings Haru to her knees. She makes Haru's heart a bunch of sweet bumble bees, rocking around in her chest in glee to see such a breathtaking lady.

Juno wraps her long, soft fingers around the handle, and they brush over Haru's knuckles. That's when Haru realizes how much these feelings really mean, and when her breath hitches to Juno's touch it's a slap to the face.  

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