College Showers

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  I blinked as I looked at a shower head.

  I was confused on where I am. I don't know this place and yet I feel like it's familiar.

  I'm currently in one of the stalls that can have 3 to 5 people showering together. I somehow have the knowledge that the school purposely did this specifically for students who are very close friends but still give some privacy to those who are not comfortable yet which explains the individual stalls.

  I was still wearing my clothes but have my towel hung over my shoulders.

  What's weird is that these aren't clothes like a t-shirt and pants. What I'm wearing is a swimsuit and it felt like it's still wet.

  I don't even remember what happened before this.

  I snapped myself out of trying to remember when I heard familiar voices outside. They just came in, chatting quite loudly.

  Their voices.... sound oddly familiar. I got out of the bff stalls (it says on the door) and went to see them myself.

  Turns out I was right.

  One of them gasped and said, "Oh!! Hey there Elijah! Wanna shower together since you clearly haven't?" Then the other suggested, "I'm sure she doesn't mind looking out for our stuff for a bit. Elijah, can you help?"

  (They really called me Elijah in the dream. Idk why, it's only half my real name)

  All this was in a span of time without me saying anything.

  But now it's too late so I just agreed.

  It's strange to see my 7th grade classmates again in some sort of college? I assume it is college because I've never been to any high school that has showers after swimming.... or any school like that. Ani, Christina, Suha, Shay, they look exactly the same and act the same but they were never this close to me. In fact, I never really spoke to them much back in 7th grade.

  They went into the bff stall and some began undressing. Christina popped her head out the stall door and invited me in.

  They seem to have put their fresh clothes on this little plastic cabinet thing that is hung on the walls. I don't feel like that is safe for some reason so I brought mine in with me into one of the stalls and put it there instead.

  Then I went into the bff stalls with them. There's another cabinet thing inside the big stall where they put their dirty swimsuits so I did the same. I also put my towel neatly on the cabinet after pushing the dirty swimsuits so that it wouldn't touch my towel. They hung their towels over the stall which I don't really prefer.

  Suddenly, one of them mumbled, "Oh shit I forgot to take the shampoo bottle with me!" One of them heard this and asked if I could help since I was the only one with a bra and an underwear on still.

  I accepted and took my towel to wrap around myself. I went out of the bff stall and went near the plastic cabinet from earlier. There I saw the shampoo bottle and snatched it.

  Turning around, something caught me off guard. The lights under the door to outside was flickering and shadowed. There are people outside and they're rather loud. I can hear their happy voices along with the sound of cameras catching photos.

  Somehow I know those voices. Those guys are definitely men outside but I didn't really bother too much because they sound like they're adults which I assumed they're just gym teachers fooling around.

  I opened the bff stall door wide and asked, "Is this it?" They nodded their heads with a smile.


  When I stepped in while the door slowly follows me, I felt something walking behind me. Even though I couldn't see it, I felt like it's a humanoid figure and I sense something is definitely wrong.

  Too late.

  The door closed and I immediately locked it out of fear without alerting the others.

  I gave them the shampoo bottle and said that they should go first. They seemed to wanna ask why but didn't and went ahead to turn on the showers. I leaned against the stall door to still feel the eerie aura from before through it.

  The stall walls were thin but thick enough to not see through them like glass.

  Each stalls were dim because the lights are mainly outside the stalls so whenever a person walks outside, they cast a shadow.

  Right now, I feel weird about something.

  Whatever it was, it was not someone I know of and it's definitely not a girl.

  "I'll be right back." I said to them.

  Still wrapped in my towel, I unlocked the door and peeked out to see a male student stealing fresh clothes on the plastic cabinet.

  He has this insane face on and seem to be out of it.

  Not taking this shit for any longer, I shouted towards him.


  He noticed me and quickly took the clothes to run outside. I chased him out till I was outside of the girl's washroom to see that the clothes are littered everywhere across the floor infront of the entrance to the girl's washroom.

  I looked around to see nobody but didn't wanna waste time, so I quickly picked them up as fast as I could when I heard a voice behind me.

  I looked and it was a male gym teacher. He asked in a worried tone, "Young lady, why are you in your towels? And why are there clothes on the floor?!"

  I was gonna explain and so I started,

  "There was a guy.."


The dream ended with me saying the sentence like, legit said the sentence in the middle of waking up. It was hard to breathe but I didn't care about that.

What was strange about that dream was that it felt too real.

I'm only 15 when I wrote this.

I've never been in a college or stayed in one.

Nor have I ever been in a school that has a pool, ever.

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