Heroes Join Forces Part 1

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This'll probably be split into 4 parts for now may combine into one later.

Team Flash + Supergirl are in STAR Labs. While Barry worked on his speed Cisco was with Kara trying to test the limits of her powers.

"I'm just putting this out there but you and Barry NEED to race. I mean you can test how fast you can go and so can he and it'll be awesome." Cisco says after Kara destroys another one of his training dummies. Or was it just Girders? From a year ago? Who knows.

"So how many more targets am I going to have to destroy?" Kara asks after laser-visioning the latest target setting it on fire. "I think we're good. Let's see how Caitlin and Wells are doing with Barry." Cisco says content with the results. The targets would report intensity of her strength, heat vision, and freeze breath so they could see if she made improvements,

The two head into the area with the treadmill where Caitlin and Harry were finishing recording the results.
"I'm not getting faster am I?" Barry asks hopping down.
"Well.." Caitlin starts. "No." Harry states bluntly.

"All right, well, let's fix this, right? I mean, I can't beat Zoom at this speed. It felt like I was standing still next to him."

"Because you practically were." Harry bluntly states again. "Zoom is at least three, four times faster than you."

"How is Zoom so much faster than Barry is and Jay was?" Cisco pipes up from beside Kara.

"Physiology, form, strength, could be a number of things... Attitude, diet." Harry lists. "Also just saw your results good job Supergirl keep it up." He says pointing at Kara who felt proud of herself.

"Okay, all right, well, there's got to be something we can do about it, so let's just figure it out... fast, okay?" Barry says checking his phone. "All right, I got to go. I'm meeting Patty. See you." He says then flashes off leaving Caitlin, Kara, Cisco, and Harry.

"So how are we gonna help Barry?" Kara asks. She did plan on sticking around to help. It's not like her big bad for this year had surfaced yet.

"I'm out of ideas, and we've tried everything that's been suggested." Cisco says. "Not everything." Harry says referencing the velocity drug that Caitlin and Jay have been working on in secret. Jay was currently MIA.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kara asks.

"So we've been working on this speed enhancement serum but we think it may have dangerous side effects." Caitlin says. "So you're thinking of giving him a speed drug? Really?" Kara questions. Drugs aren't cool. They can do bad things.

"Kind of..." Caitlin says. "Jay said we shouldn't."

Cisco walks out. "Wait where are you going?" Kara asks. "A date with the lovely Kendra Saunders of Jitters tonight." Cisco smirks then walks out.

"I feel like I'm the only single one of everyone here...minus Harry but he doesn't count." Kara says walking to Caitlin's lab with her. Caitlin shrugs. "I'm guessing you're not really trying though, too hung up over a certain speedster, right?"

"What-no-heh-Why would I-how'd you know?" Kara stutters. "I have eyes. Plus neither of you are as...discreet...as you think with your feelings." Caitlin comments.

"What do you mean neither of us?" Kara asks.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. You wanna help with this?"


Cisco walks into Jitters with Kendra. "Advantages of a trusting manager" she smiles locking the door.

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