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Ren's P.O.V


I looked up and saw Sir. I wipped my tears away and gave him a slight smile

"It's Christmas, why are you crying?"

"I just miss my family, it's not the same without them"

"I was going to wait to give this to you but it seems like you need it now, come with me" Sir said

I got up and followed him into his room.

"Ren, I need to tell you something very important, it's the reason why I was so hard on you"

Sir turned around and held a present out to me. I opened it and it was a snowglobe, but it had a picture of me and my family in it.

"I knew them, I knew the parents who adopted you, we were great friends"

"You killed them, why would you do that if you guys were friends" I yelled.

"I didn't kill them, I just, I didn't mean too" Sir sat down on his bed putting his face in his hands "I have been to many states trying to get all of the nekos so I could make a town filled with them, I asked if I could take you in and they said no. I kept trying and trying but each time it got more violent. I didn't mean to, I paniced when they threatened to call the cops"

"Is that why they whispered about me moving as soon as I turned eighteen, to be with people like me?" I asked

"What are you talking about?"

"I once over heard them talking about me moving to Dave's town when I turned eighteen"

Sir got up and walked out of his room. I looked at the snowglobe and stared at me and my family.

I went out of his room and went to the neko one. Everyone was opening presents.

"Hey baby" Alfie grabbed me and kissed my lips.

"Did you open your present?" I asked him

"Yeah, but this is bullshit because there wasn't any for you"

"That's not true" I held up my snowglobe and he looked at it in confusion

"A snowglobe?"

"Sir knew my parents, he knew that they always got me one every year and it was always my favorite" I pointed the the picture "Those are my parents who adopted me and those two were my brother and sister"

"He knew your parents?"

"He's doing this because he wanted to make a town filled with nekos, he well, i don't think I could ever forgive him for this but he killed my family by accident"

"How the fuck do you kill people by accidnet"

"He kept asking to take me in and each time it got more agressive, my parents threatened him and he got mad and well, yeah"

"Damn, he's such a shit guy but he has a good intention"

We were all outside and comfy warm winter clothes that we all got this morning. I have a fluffy white jacket with black winter pants and a pink scarf with matching snow boots and earmuffs.

I watched Alfie play with all of the children. His outfit is like mine but brown and caramel. I smiled as the kittens attacked him with snowballs.

"Have some hot chocolate Ren" Deloris called me to the picnic table where the hot coco is.

I walked over and she handed me a mug. I took a sip and it was good but it could be even better.

"Is there something wrong with the coco?"

"No, it's good, but it would be better if you add a little bit of salt, it'll make it richer" I took the salt that was on the table and put a pinch in my cup and stird it. I handed the cup to Deloris so she could take a sip.

"Wow, that is better" She smiled the put some in the pot of hot coco.

"Not to much or it will just be salty" I stopped her pouring the salt.

"Dinner is ready" A man shouted

All of the kids ran inside in exitment. Deloris and I just chuckled

"They all attacked me, I was ganged up on" Alfie pouted coming up to me

"And they got you good, one point fo the kittens and zero for my boyfriend" I smiled

Alfie rolled his eyes chucking and took my coco. "I deserve this"

"Hey, i'm the one with twins"

Time skip to new years because I can

"Ren, come to my room please" Sir said as I put a bandaid on a little girls knee.

"Okay" I ruffled the girls hair and walked into his room

"Ren, I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"What do you mean for what? I fucking killed your family and took you away from your new one, I kidnapped you to make a dumb town" He yelled

I flinched a bit at his screaming

"I'm still not letting anyone go, I want this town to happen, we just don't have enough people, that's why i do force breading"

"Sir, I can never forgive you for what you did, but I know that you want all of us to be safe."

"I didn't apologize for your forgivness, I knew you wouldn't forgive me, I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry"

"Sir, I think they want you to feel them" I smiled a bit lifting my shirt over my bump. "Please?"

He smiled a bit and put his hand on my stomach. "The reason why I wanted this town to happen is because my wife wanted it"

"You had a wife?"

"Yes, she was a neko, she was burned alive when people found out"

"I'm so sorry"

"Don't be, let's get to the party"

"Ten, nine, eight" Everyone started counting down while watching the ball drop.

"Ren" Alfie tapped on my shoulder as everyone kept counting.

"Yeah?" I looked at him

Alfie got on one knee and pulled out a small box from his pocket. "Ren, will you marry me?" As soon as he asked that the ball dropped and my hands were covering my mouth.

"Yes, yes yes yes I will" I bent down pulling him into a kiss as tears ran down my face.

I heard whispers and cheers around us as Alfie stood up not breaking the kiss.

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