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Ren's P.O.V

I walked down the school hallway with Alfie holding my hand. I'm scared to be back at school.

"Ren, why are you freaking out?" Alfie asked me

"How did you know?"

"Your scent, have you never noticed that?"

"No, I just thought those scentes were normal for people"


I started to randomly feel relaxed smelling lavender.

"Do you smell lavender?"


"That's me giving a relaxing pheromone, some pheromones are smells, some are just feelings"

"Ren" Elise shouted my name running over to me. "I missed you so much are you okay?" Elise asked hugging me.

"I'm fine, everything is great" I said hugging back.

"Nice ring" I heard Jackie say from behind Elise.

"Thanks, Alfie uh, he gave it to me"

"It looks like an, oh my god Ren, are you engaged?"

I blushed hard and Alfie started laughing.

"When the hell did this happen" Elise asked shocked

"I proposed on new years" Alfie said wrapping his arm around me.

"I don't reconize you, did you hurt our baby Ren? I will murder you if you ever hurt him" Jackie threatened

"We met after I was also uh, taken away, that place wasn't half bad" Alfie rubbed the back of his neck

"Only because Sir didn't really care about you, well I mean, in a good way, i mean" I started stuttering

"Ren, I know what you mean"

"I don't tell me" Jackie pouted.

"Sir was hard on the ones he cared about the most, meaning I got more of the abuse than everyone else there"

"Who's Sir?" Elise asked

"The guy who killed my parents" I said

"If he cared about you then why would he do that?"

"Mmmm, I still haven't figured that out yet, i'm still reading his journal about me and my family, then I have to look at the other ones to understand the history of the others and it's just one big pile of reading"

The bell rang making me jump a bit.

"It's okay Ren" Alfie whispered to me.

"We'll see you during lunch, bye" Both of the girls walked away.

"Mom called" Kalvin said coming up to my desk.


"She want's to know why their ears and tails are changing colours"

"Awe, our babies are going up so fast" Alfie coode

"Yeah, they get it from me" I smirked "Um, they are just getting the colours of their fur"

"So, how did you, you know, have them?"

I blushed hard and shrinked into a ball. "I have a second hole that I can um"

"Okay, you just need to say that, I undertand, so i'm guessing that's why you didn't get you know, when you were in heat with me"

"I, what no, that's not what that hole is for"

"You still do it the same way, he just deliverd with the other hole" Alfie said

"Oh, okay, wait then why didn't you"

"You don't get a baby in your first heat with a human, but you can with another neko" Alfie said

"Nekos are weird as hell"

"Hey" I crossed my arms and pouted

"In a good way baby bro, anyways Chris told me that you two were engaged and you never told me?" Kalvin whispered

"I was going to tell you with mom and dad, I just didn't think it was the right time"

"Who knew you would be come more sucessful before me"

"Don't say that" I pushed him giggling.

The bell rang and I packed up my stuff.

I was laying down on Kalvin's bed staring at the cieling, Alfie went cloth shopping for the babies with my parents and Kalvin is watching tv downstairs.

"Kalvin" I shouted


"I want to see Mia and Jess"

"Then go see them"

"But they don't know i'm a neko"

"Then i'll just take you" Kalvin said by the door.

I quickly got up and turned into a cat jumping in Kalvin's arm's

"Hi Kalvin" Jess smiled answering the door.

"We found Ren, a family took him in and the children just got to attatched" Kalvin said holding me up

I meowed and stuck my tongue out.

"Awe you have Ren back" Mia came up and petted my head.

"Yeah, we're going to be more careful with him now, maybe we should put a tracker in him"

I hissed and jumped out of his arms running inside. The three of them laughed and I hid under the couch. No way am I going to be chipped, if I do get lost I know how to take care of myself.

"Ren, i'm joking" Kalvin came over to the couch and tried to get me out from under it.

I pawed at his hand then licked it coming out.

"Ren missed both of you"

"Awe we missed him too" Jess picked me up petting me

I meowed and licked her cheek.

we were watching a scary movie then the door bell rang making me jump like, six feet in the air. The three of them laughed and Kalvin got up to answer the door because I was to scared to move off of the girls lap.

"Oh, hi mom, hi dad" I heard Kalvin say.

Wait, mom and dad are here? Does that mean Alfie is too? I got up and ran to the door and saw Alfie. I meowed at him and he turned into his cat form kissing me. I ran back inside as he followed me in.

"Oh my god, who's this cutie" Jess petted Alfie

"That's our new cat Alfie"

I jumped onto Alfie and licked him giving hi kisses. He meowed giving me kisses back.

"Awe, it looks like they love eachother" Mia smiled

Wait, love, where's our twins. I got off of Alfie and started panicking. My babies, where are they. I started meowing and I jumped on and off the couch freaking out.

"Woah, Ren calm down" Kalvin picked me up.

My eyes were wide and I meowed.

"Do you have anymore cat food so he can eat and calm down"

"Yeah, there's a can of tuna in the fridge" Mia said

Kalvin took me into the kitchen and grabbed the tuna. "Go around the table"

I went to the other side of the kitchen island and turned back into my normal form "Where are my twins" I asked trying to calm down

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now