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Tonight I was babysitting this new family, the Herron family. I talk to the mom, but never met any one in the family face to face. Probably because I was living in Dallas for a few weeks, as my parents are moving into their new house. I live in LA, with a few friends. When I got to their house, the family turned out nice. Right as I got their, I got greeted with a hug.
Reese: hi I'm Reese
You: hey I'm y/n
Myta: hi I'm sry about Reese, she exited. Anyway I'm myta, and u must be y/n
Y/n: yes I am, Reese is np, I'm exited to, nice to met too
Myta: so me and my husband are going to a concert, we don't know when it's going to end. Hopeful not so late. And are other son Ryan, is going to a friends house in 30 mins, if u don't mind walking him over their.
You: ya np, do u mind wright everything down
Myta: already did, bedtime, we're everything is, what's for dinner, I hope u don't mind I gave the Ryan friends mom ur number just in case.
You: it's fine by me
Myta: I also wrote the number of me, my husband, the doctors, some neighbors, and my oldest song zach, but he's in la. I just wrote it down just in case. I'm sry I know It sounds like I'm not trusting u. It just i worry a lot, so I hope u don't mind me checking in often.
You: ya it's no problem, I totally understand, my mom did the same thing when u was growing up.
Myta: anyway we should be going, bye guys, be nice, and Reese don't try to trick y/n for u to have anymore candy, or stay up late.
After they left, me, Reese and Ryan played some video games, me against the Herrons, because I'm good at video games. Then we dropped rayan off at his friends house. When I got home, I saw a boy around my age sitting on the couch. Reese ran wright to him.
Resss: Zachyyyyy
Zach: hi Reese I missed u
Reese: I missed u to, don't leave me again
Zach: who's ur friend
Y/n: hi I'm y/n, I'm babysitting
Zach: ooh cool, I'm Zach, if u can't tell the oldest Herron kid
Reese: u guys should date
Zach: what did I tell u about saying I should date girls, especially the once I just met.
Reese: I should stop, but I just met y/n and i want her to be my sister
You: sometimes I have no words for what u say Reese, but Mabey I could be ur fake sister
Reese: ur now my favorite sibling
Reese ran over to me and gave me a huge
Zach: um.. hello I thought I was ur favorite
You: not anymore, anyway I'm going to order some pizza for dinner
I walked back, and me and Reese agreed to watch Disney movies, Zach looked annoyed because u and Reese were screaming the lyrics to every song. But he let just put on Disney, what do u expect us just fo watch the movie. Ya NO.
After putting Reese to bed u and Zach started talking and u guys ended up sleeping on the couch in each other arms. Until my u got woken up by people talking.
Reese: I told them yesterday that they would be perfect together.
I try to get out of Zach arm, but then her grip u stronger. Until he final woke up to u trying to wiggle urself out of his arms. He just laughed at you
You: it would be nice for u to let go
Zach: I could by what fun would that be
You: ur whole family saw us, now they think somthing happen. I woke up to Reese talking about how we will get married, and how she was right about us last night.
Zach: so let her, I don't care. Reese loves talking about that kinda stuff. She has been planning my wedding for 3 years now.
You would help but laugh
You: don't you wants talk to family
Zach: true
He let go, and his sister showed us pictures of just cuddling. She mad at us because we didn't tell her that we're dating although we not.
You: Reese were not dating
Reese: yes you are, and I'll only forgive u guys if you promise me that I can me ur maid of honor at ur guys wedding
Zach: fine you can be, do u forgive us now
Who new that she wright

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