Panic attack

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U hated bug crowds. It's scary when u have to worse anxiety.
Today u and a few of ur friends are going to the mall. U dress casual, because it was just ur friends, and who do u have to impress? When we got to the mall, a lot of screaming girls were their. Some of your friends wanted to know what was going on, so they left. We said that we would met at the food court. Leaving u and ur best friend Abby together. She new about ur anxiety.
Abby: y/n, it ok, ur ok. Just breathe, and go to the bathroom.
U nod ur head, u and Abby started to try to squeeze the crowd, but u and her ended up getting separated. U kept trying to go thro the crowd. Then u started to have an attack. Some girl realizes what was going on, so they try to call for help. They try to help with ur breathing, and telling u that everything is going to be ok. But that didn't work.
Next thing u know, arms wrap around u. U didn't know who it was, but u were greatfull that they found u. When u saw who it was u saw a Securitygard. He was carrying u into some room. Then u heard somebody talking to the gard.
Zach: omg is she ok?
Gard: I don't know, I think she have an anxiety attack.
Zach: here give her to me, I know how to help.
Then I feel another pair of arms around me. He took u to an empty room. He put into ur lap, u were laying in between his legs.
Zach: ok.. my name is Zach, now I need u to take a deep breath in, and deep breath out. Can u do that for me.
U tried, he have rubbed ur back, and kept on telling u that everything is going to be ok. He was helping u out, after some time u manage to say
You: thank you so much. I'm y/n
Zach: are u ok
U: I'm getting their I guess. Anyway thank u. I don't mean to be rude and ask, but do u have anxiety, because u handed that so much more better then anybody else that I know.
Zach: no I don't, but I have a friend who struggles with it. And I have a sister who has it bad
U: ooh. .. ok. Anyway I think I'm a lot better. I should probably go find my friends.
Zach: no wait. Can u stay? U can call u friends to come over, u can even watch the concert backstage.
You: what concert?
Zach: so u don't know who I am
You: only that ur name is Zach, and u know a few people with anxiety. Why? And who concert
Zach: ooh I'm in a band, why don't we. And we're playing in a few hours, so do want a hang out, u can bring ur friends, and they can hang out with my band mates
U: let me give them a call
U look at ur phone to have many missed calls and friends. U called them, and told them that ur fine, and if they want to go the concert. And ofc they said yes, u and ur friend can never turn down a concert.
U: ya were in, where should we met them!
Zach: tell them just to go to Macy (?? I don't now).
When u saw ur friends they ran up to u, and hug u, and told u how worried they were about u
U; guys this is Zach, he's the one who help me
The all said hi. U ended up hanging out, and having the time of ur life. Who new that, that was the first on many time u bad Zach hung out, an eventually dated.

Author note
I'm sorry if that now how an anxiety attack works. The truth is I don't have anxiety, so again I'm sorry I wasn't close to what happens. And sorry about that wrong Grammer, for this one and all the other ones.

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