POV: you go to high school with Bryan Williams (part 2)

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Bryan's POV:
You wake up with a groan at your 6am alarm. You could barely sleep last night because of what happened during school yesterday. Your thoughts were full of that girl from school, some clean some not. You decide you need to apologize today, strike while the iron is hot, and tell her how you feel. You may not have known her for long but the way she writes makes you have to know the way she talks. You throw on a jean jacket and get ready anxiously for what today brings...
Later that morning you see her in a hall and run up to her.
"Can we talk" you say to start.
"No just leave me alone" she replies, her words are cold.
"I'm sorry I read your diary.. I can't atop thinking about you." You plead to her, you can see the hurt in her eyes and you vow to yourself you'll never hurt her like this again.
"Omg is he really talking to her" someone says in the hall, a small crowd starts to form.
"Really" she says cautiously, ready for this to be another prank.
"Kiss me, k-k-kiss me" you stutter our, becoming more aware of the crowd forming.
"Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison take-" you get interrupted by someone yelling.
"You're a loser" a jock on the football team yells as he punches you. You've pissed off your popular friends for making another scene with the same person. You're supposed to pick on everyone evenly and at this point everyone is just confused with your actions.
"T-t-take me," you continue to stutter as you feel your face where you got punched.
"wanna be your victim-"you continue.
"Bro you can't be serious" you faintly hear one of your friends say that. What you're saying may be cheesy but you're being honest with her and you can see it in her eyes she knows you're being genuine.
"Ready for affection" you say as you reach your hand out...

Your POV
You stand there in the middle of the hall, jaw on the floor. You stare at Bryan in disbelief, you barely know him! Why is he acting like this? You suddenly snap back to reality and notice everyone staring at you, waiting to see what you do. You cautiously take his hand in yours and he gently pulls you away from the crowd.
"Why?" You ask him finally.
"I'm the ugly girl and your the popular boy" (an exact quote from his tiktok)
"Why me Bryan?"
"I don't want another pretty face" he responds. "I don't want just anyone to hold, I don't want my love to go to waste".
"Are you saying you love me?" You ask, shocked by how vulnerable about his feelings he is.
"Maybe I am" he says with a wink as he walks away, leaving you to think about what just happened.

Bryan Williams POVWhere stories live. Discover now