Chapter 3

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‘’Hurry up, you’re so slow.’’, Spencer said as he padded along the road, avoiding humans as they yelled at him and tried to kick him. Spencer didn’t really bother though; he had gotten used about humans hating stray dogs, these humans were no difference.
Looking behind him he stopped, waiting for William to catch up on him. When the pug finally arrived beside him it collapsed onto the ground and panted loudly, it’s fat belly resting on the cold stone. He looked up at Spencer and there was a nervous look on his face, like he wanted to ask the yearling something that he was ashamed of, that would make him appear vulnerable.
‘’C-can ya carry me, kid? I can’t take long walks like these…’’, he asked, his brown eyes focused on the ground, a dull look in them; he really was ashamed of himself for asking this.
Spencer smiled and wagged his tail, turning around so he had a much more clear view of William. He nodded as he stepped forward, lowering his head so his and William’s eyes were on the same level, the smile stayed on his face as he looked at the pug.
‘’Of course I will carry you. Why do you have to make such a big deal of this? Everyone already knows you’re fat, admit it.’’, he said and he grabbed William’s collar, pulling him up, while William angrily kicked and squirmed to his last words, growling at the German shepherd mix.
‘’Ya little-’’, he began but his words were cut off by the voices of other dogs not too far away from the duo. Spencer looked up, his teeth clamped around the red collar. ‘’Are those the dogs that are going to meet Ōu?’’, William asked and he looked up at Spencer, who look back down at him.
Spencer began to walk taking along William as he moved forward. They avoided the humans on the busy sidewalk as they made their way towards the alley where the voices came from.

Upon reaching the alley William and Spencer saw two familiar dogs; Boss, the Doberman dog and the leader of this big dog pack and the older Irish wolfhound called Weston. There were two more dogs with them; a golden coated Labrador retriever with brown eyes and a brown with white coated Shiba Inu, his eyes a grey color with hints of brown.
The four dogs were talking and looked up at Spencer and William when they came around the corner, William dangling from his collar which Spencer held between his teeth firmly. The two stopped next to Weston, the older dog, a few feet away from the Labrador retriever and the Shiba Inu.
Spencer dropped William so the pug could move freely and they glanced around the area; there were only six dogs here, with them both included; Spencer frowned and looked at Weston.
‘’Are these all the dogs that are coming?’’, Spencer asked and Weston looked at him, shrugging for as far as he could do that. Spencer looked at Boss, a frown on his face. ‘’Your pack is big, why isn’t anyone coming?’’
‘’My pack is afraid; some are afraid they might die during the trip, others don’t want to become truly wild because we’ve never hunted before. We are street dogs, we live from the food humans leave behind. And other didn’t believe the legend of Gin and Weed.’’, Boss spoke before turning his head to look at the Labrador Retriever and the Shiba Inu. ‘’These are the only two of my pack who were curious or brave enough to come.’’
Spencer looked at the two dogs he hadn’t met before. He could slightly remember their faces from the previous day, and their scents, but they were faint in his memory.

‘’It’s nice to meet you, I’m Spencer.’’, the yearling said and he looked down at the pug beside him, grinning. ‘’And this is William; he’s a fat spoiled pug.’’
‘’Shut up ya little mutt! I know I’m fat, and I know I was spoiled, so stop telling everyone; they can tell!’’, William responded, a growl leaving his throat.
‘’We know, we heard you introducing yourself yesterday. I’m Sheba,’’ the Shiba Inu said, he was a small dog, only a little bit bigger than William. He looked up at the Labrador retriever standing beside this, his curled tail that rested on his back wagging slightly. ‘’And this is Sam, my best friend.’’
‘’Samuel, nice to meet you. But call me Sam.’’, Sam responded, a wag of his tail, but there was no expression on his face. It almost looked like his brown eyes stared right through Spencer and William.
‘’Don’t mind Sam; he’s a shy one.’’, Sheba said and he grinned, winking, immediately after that receiving a push from Sam as punishment.
‘’If this is all, I think we should go.’’, Boss finally said, looking around the area to see if anyone else was coming. ‘’Guess we’re with the six of us. Weston, are you ready to go?’’
‘’I guess so. Let’s head out before it gets dark. It’s still morning but when you travel it gets dark soon…’’, Weston said and he got to his paws, eyeing each and every one of them before turning around and walking out of the alley. ‘’I will be your guide to the Ōu Mountains and the pack itself. It will be along and dangerous journey, but I’m sure we will all make it. Heck, even Weed made it to the pack on his search for his father and he was only a few months old; heck, he was still a pup. But even though I’m your guide, I won’t be your leader. You have to assign a leader yourself, as I’m old and wise, but have no leader experience.’’
‘’I will do it Weston, buddy. I’m a leader myself, I have lost of leading experience.’’, Boss said and Weston looked at him, a playful grin on his face. He responded to the Doberman: ‘’Enough leadership to get all your followers to come along?’’

‘’Yes, very funny… I will still lead, though.’’, Boss said with a harsh tone in his voice, annoyed as he was. He walked a bit faster and ended up beside Weston; the guide and the leader in the front, while the others followed behind. Sam and Sheba were the second in line, walking close behind Boss and Weston, mainly because they belonged to Boss’ pack and were still his followers. Spencer and William walked third in line, in the back as they both didn’t know these dogs very well, and because William had a hard time keeping up with the bigger digs due his fat body and short legs.
Spencer looked down at him, smiling as his tail swayed behind his body calmly.
‘’Need me to carry you, big boy?’’, he asked teasingly and William growled at him once more, sticking his tongue out at the yearling, but after that his expression softened and he nodded, once again blushing slightly.
‘’Yes please, that would be helpful. I can’t keep up with y’all, yar too fast.’’, the pug said and Spencer giggled, bending over to grab William by his collar, pulling up the small pug like he did before. ‘’Thanks.’’, William responded to him being lifted off the ground, his voice harsh, his words blunt, but Spencer didn’t bother about the way he spoke to him; he knew William was grateful, he was just a really grumpy and spoiled dog, afraid to show others how he really felt. And even though they teased each other a lot, Spencer was glad he had met William; the dog was a great companion and even though he was grumpy and fat, he kept Spencer in reality, kept the kid’s head out of the clouds. And in return Spencer told him stories about Weed and Gin and learned him to have fun and behave like a pup. They had a great time together, and that fun time would be extended from this day on, because Spencer knew they would both need each other on this journey.

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