Chapter 2

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When Julian and Brooke got back to Tree Hill they drove straight to Naley's house because Nathan was supposed to be picking up the boys and Lydia from school. When they got there Haley answered the door with Quinn and Clay's 2 year old Raven on her hip.

"Oh hey guys come on in" Haley greeted them and stepped aside to allow them to enter the house.

"Hi Raven, where's your mommy?" Brooke asks as she took the toddler from the heavily pregnant Haley.

"She gone" Raven replied with a toothy grin.

"Quinn got an assignment in New York this morning and I offered to watch Raven and Logan so Clay could go too and they can spend the weekend without the kids." Haley told them.

"Oh you are such a great sister Haley, but aren't you like 9 months pregnant?" Brooke laughed as they took a seat in the living room. She put Raven down as she started to wriggle out of her lap.

"That's nothing, I'll have Nathan plus Logan goes everywhere Jamie goes and Lydia loves playing with Raven. So I'll barely be doing anything." She informs her and ruffle Raven's golden blonde locks, she was playing with toys on the floor. "So how did the appointment at the orphanage go? Did you guys find your perfect little girl?"

Brooke looked to Julian and they laughed before she finally answered her "Well not exactly".

"What do you mean by not exactly? You can't just say that and not elaborate" Haley cried.

"Well we did find our perfect little girl, and her perfect little sister." Brooke says cautiously waiting on Haley's reply.

"You are adopting two girls?" Haley asks shocked. "What happened? You fell in love with one and Julian fell in love with another and you couldn't choose so you decided to take them both?" She laughs.

"No we fell in love with one and she happened to have a little sister too, we couldn't take just her and we definitely couldn't pick someone else so we just decided to try and adopt them both." Brooke smiled and Julian nodded.

"Aww that is so sweet" Haley says and Brooke hands her phone to her showing her the pictures they took of Hannah and Alexis.

"This is Hannah, she's 4 ½ and we were sitting on a bench in the yard watching them play and she just ran up to us, told us hi and asked if we were going to be her new parents. Haley I fell in love with her in that very moment." Brooke informed her while Julian had started playing with Raven on the floor.

"I would have fallen in love with her right then too. She is so adorable Brooke" Haley says and scrolls through the rest of the pictures.

"The great thing is the director says in the 8 months she's been there since the death of her parents, she has never so much as smile at one of the other potential parents who had been to the orphanage."

"Really, wow. They are very cute kids Brooke and I can't wait to meet them." Just then she felt a few hard kicks to her ribcage. "I guess the baby can't wait either."

Brooke laughed. "So do you guys know how their parent's died?" Haley asks.

"Yea it's really sad actually. Apparently their parents ran a convenience store in a volatile area in Charlotte and one night while they were closing up two guys came in to rob the store. On their way out they shot them both. They said Hannah was in the store, but her dad had her hide under the counter so the men didn't see her. She was the one who called the police."

"Oh my God, she had to watch her parents die?" Haley asks and started tearing up.

"Yea her dad died instantly but her mom died on the way to the hospital."

"She must be have been so traumatized." Haley cries and Brooke nodded. After Haley had calmed down they spent the rest of the afternoon talking baby names for Haley and playing with Raven.


When they got home Brooke and Julian told the boys they were getting two little sisters instead of one and they were over the moon until they found out that the girls weren't actually twins too like they are. None the less they said they liked Hannah and Alexis and they were going to be the best big brother's ever. Brooke and Julian were then bombarded with questions of when are they coming home, when are they going to get to meet them?

They tried to explain the best they could so the boys could understand.

They following day which was a Saturday they dropped the boys off at mouth and Millie's seeing as Naley already have a full house and went shopping for nursery furniture. Jude and Davis's cribs were the convertible kind and were now their beds so they needed new a new crib for Alexis. They weren't sure if they would be choosing a baby or toddler so they had yet to buy a bed, so they also needed a bed for Hannah. They still had the twin's changing station they could reuse.

They also needed clothes for both girls seeing as there was no way for them to know the size of the child. Brooke had fun clothes shopping for the girls and it also gave her ideas for her girl's line.

They got home and when the furniture was delivered Nathan and Jamie came over to help Julian set them up while Brooke made refreshments and supervised.

When they were finished the nursery was painted in a pastel pink with a blue and yellow stripe trim and different sizes of flowers and butterflies stuck onto the walls. Hanging above the crib is large wooden letters spelling Alexis. In the room that was to be Hannah's bedroom the walls were painted lavender the bed was a light pink castle bunk bed. Brooke decided to allow Hannah to pick out the murals or characters she wanted on the wall so the only thing added was her name painted in large pink letters. Haley thought that was a great idea and it would help her bond with them.

A few days later the social worker came by for the home study. When Brooke told her about the plans for Hannah's plain lavender walls she thought it would be a wonderful thing for them to do together. She talked with the twins to gauge their feelings towards the new addition and was pleased with the results. Before she left she told Brooke and Julian she thinks the girls will be happy in their home.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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