Something's Lurking Within The Woods

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Walking through the woods with Mahiru, hand in hand, she couldn't help but notice. 

"Mahiru's hand feels so different from Rantaro's.." she thought as she started to feel a little embarrassed about holding another person's hand. 

"Tenko are you okay?" Mahiru asked her.

"I-I'M OKAY!" She yelled, Mahiru looked at her crossed but didn't say anything. 

"I was thinking, maybe after the treasure hunt, do you want to help me take some pictures?" 

"Oh yeah I forgot you're the Ultimate Photographer. But why invite me?"

"Because, you seem like someone I could easily get along with. And besides, I'm pretty sure the person I initially asked to help is going to be busy later on. So you were the next best option for me."

"Of course I'll help!" Tenko said smiling. 

"Great! Make sure you take a lot of good pictures!"

Getting closer to the cabin they noticed the door was opened. 

"Did Kokichi leave the door open?" Mahiru asked.

"Typical male, it's rude to leave the door open. Anyone could just waltz right in here and steal something!" 

"I wonder if he's still in here?.." Mahiru said as she turned on the light switch. "Ew it's such a mess in here. Why is there underwear everywhere on the floor?"

"Is that Himiko's underwear?! Why does Kokichi have her underwear?!!" As Tenko said that she went to go and retrieve it, but as soon as she did. All you could hear was the sound of two buckets landing on the floor.

Before she knew it, Tenko was covered in glue. Looking up at where the buckets were originally placed, both Kokichi and Hiyoko sat at the top bunk snickering at her.

"Good luck get that out your hair!" Hiyoko said, sticking her tongue.

"Using Himiko's underwear as bait was a smart idea!" Kokichi said as he jumped down from the top bunk.

"Yeah, but I gotta ask. How did you get your hands on her underwear?.."

"Don't ask me weird questions. Let's just hurry up and finish setting off all of the traps, kay." As Kokichi said that he quickly ran out the cabin with Hiyoko. 

"Oh my god, Tenko!" Mahiru quickly ran over to her to help her. "I can't believe they did this to you!"

Tenko began grumbling, "those degenerate brats!"

"Here, let me help you get cleaned off.."

"Miss Sonia!!"

"Miss Sonia! Scream if you can hear me!"

"MISS SOooONIIiiIAaaa!!"

"KAZUICHI SHUT UP ALREADY!" Hajime yelled out. 

"Why are you calling out for Sonia anyway?" Asked Shuichi. 

"Miss Sonia is probably somewhere out in the woods all alone with Gundham, who knows what horrible things he may be doing to her right now!"

"Careful where you take a step, you'll plummet down."

"Oh my, thank you Gundham. You really saved me." Sonia said, smiling at him warmly.

"Ooh um, heh.. I-it was nothing.." he said blushing under his scarf.

"I think you're being dramatic, why would they be alone anyway? It's supposed to be a team effort." Hajime told him.

"Kazuichi is like an old love sick puppy, filled with anxiety! All the way to the brim!" Ibuki said as she pointed at his head. "And he's shaking like an old dog too!"

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