Part 2: Friend

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Great Tree Moon - Year 1180

She way to the library, it is quite late at night and she is hoping nobody will notice her sneaking through the halls. She had forgotten to put back some books she borrowed after Manuelas lecture and had procrastinated returning them up until this moment.

Opening the creaky library door she is surprised that there are still candles lit, 'someone is in here'. She brushes off the paranoid thoughts with some excuse, maybe the guards just forgot. She makes her way to the back to the shelf where the books belong. She quickly return them to their right place when suddenly she hears something- 

"zzzz..." the sound of snores fill the room. She turn around slowly only to see a head hidden behind stacks of books on a table.  Walking closer she sees a male student with green hair, face smooshed against the table and soft snores coming from the boys wide open mouth. Carefully she pushes the stack of books scattered around the boys head out of the way, 'should I wake him? I wouldn't want to sleep here all night'.  She gently shakes the young mans shoulders, still half asleep he mutters,

 " I hate it... just the sight makes me ill.." ignoring his incoherent mumbles she shakes him harder. Suddenly he bolts upright, a giant red mark left on his cheek from the table. 

"ughh... oh no I've fallen asleep again...", suddenly he turns to her with an uninterested look, "what time is it?". Caught off guard she grasps for her pocket watch, 

"Uh! Um.. I-Its 10:34..." the boys glance turns back to the books around him. He reaches for the book closest to him and opens it up, continuing as if the interaction didn't happen. Curiosity and confusion building up she suddenly asks, 

"Wait a minute, what are you doing? Aren't you going back to your quarters?". Almost surprised by her presence the boy looks back and hums a silent 'oh you're still here' then replies boredly,

"I still have some books I haven't finished." he turns back to his books and continues reading without a beat, Y/N blinks in confusion. Astonished by the boys rude behavior, she leave the library and head straight for her room.

--- next day ---

She wakes up early and heads to the Dining Hall, stomach growling as she approaches, grabbing her food and thanking the dining staff. 'Now where to sit'  this had been a daily problem since her first day, she could sit with the people in her class but she doubts they'd want to talk to her. 

She glances around the room and sees an emptier table,  she takes a seat at the end leaving a few open spots around her.  She begins to eat when suddenly someone sits down in front of her, looking up to see the green haired boy from the library. Not thinking much of it she dismiss his presence and continue eating. A few minutes pass by and it seems the boy has been staring at her, his gaze making her self-conscious.

"Uh- do you mind?" Face turning red, she refuses to meet his stare. 

"Your stark red hair is uncommon for your bloodline. That must be a trait you acquired from your late mother." He states blandly

"I- how did-" She stumbles with her words, only to be cut off.

"You are of House Wrenther in the Alliance. Lone daughter of Count Wrenther and his only child that holds the crest." The boy states nonchalantly, "Linhardt von Hevring, we met last night."  She blinks twice, confused on how he knew so much. 

"Aren't you of nobility in the Empire? What good does it do for you to know so much about me?" She asks curiously. Linhardts face changes from bored to move or an amused, bored expression. 

"Do you think it silly of me to have a basic understanding of all my fellow classmates?"

"I believe it more scary than silly!" She laughs, surprisingly earning a slight chuckle from the boy before her, "Y/N, but I guess you already knew that. You're interesting Linhardt, let's be friends." She outstretches her hand. Linhardts mouth curves into a small smile, resting his hand in hers and shaking it earnestly.

"I guess I wouldn't mind having you around that often." He jokes, a wide smile breaking across her face.


Whoooooooo Linhardt !!  I love him so much, sorry for another short chapter and also sorry for Claude not showing up yet but baby trust me he's comin ;)

- Ace Uncle

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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