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It all started on a lazy summer afternoon. Of my 15th summer to be exact. I was sitting home alone on the couch shuffling through my playlist and drawing in my sketch book.

You see I never really went out and partied, or hung out with my friends a lot. It was just the way I was, I enjoyed being home.

My parents were gone on some "romanic" vacation to Hawaii to relive their honeymoon. My sister was at a friend's house. I had our's to myself.

My phone buzzed and my friend Allie texted me.

From Assface:
U wanna com 2 Ze pool?
To Assface:
Bro is u trying 2 kill me? U no us vampires can't go into the sun
To Assface:
Sure whatever pick me up in 5

I set my phone down and stretching my arms and legs headed up stairs to get my swim suit.

We pulled up to the pool and hopped out of Allie's car.

Allie had turned 16 earlier in the year and had gotten a car from her rich step-father as a "peace offering " to her. Allie didn't really like her stepdad for some unknown reason. who knows what. He seemed okay to me but I'm me. Allie is Allie.

"So do you think any cute boys here?" Allie bumped my shoulder and wiggled her eyebrows.

I made a scoffed and rolled my eyes "oh my god you're such a girl!"

"And you aren't?" She giggled

"Well I am it's just that I don't drop my underwear at the sight of my non-existent boyfriend " I smirked and poked her side.

"What ever" the shoved me out of the way to get to the open chairs in front of us.

"Bitch" I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Allie glared at me, her hands on her hips.

"Oh nothing " I laughed.

Allie sighed and flipped her honey colored hair over her perfect body. The only reason I was friends with her was that we met in middle school and I kinda clinged to her like a baby koala to its mother.

I was average. I had curly brown hair and and big brown eyes with chubby ass cheeks. I had an original style and great taste in music, but no I don't stand out in a crowd. I was a shadow.

I took the opportunity and ran up behind Allie and pushed her into the pool.

She resurfaced unscathed but mad af
"You little shit..." She trailed off.

I smiled innocently and blinked at her

"I didn't do anything" but Allie was already climbing out of the pool

I ran and jumped into the pool shrieking

"Al! No I'm too young!" I cried swimming away from my best friend

She caught up to me and grabbed my leg and whispered in my ear

"Tonight's the night bitches die"

Oh shit I'm gonna get it.

So the girl up top is what I kinda thought Tess would look like but idek sooooooooooo tell me what you. Think lub chu

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