Chapter 1: Adventure begins...

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Around 2000 years ago in a Kingdom named "Ertiswer", a powerful evil King (Bartho Erdin) found a magical gem that grants the user 7 wishes. He was delighted to have it.

He used his first wish to become a stronger & deadly warrior. Upon granted, he used it to wreak havoc and dominate the neighbouring Kingdoms. Soon words spread across the whole nation about him.

He then used his second wish to be immortal which made him invulnerable. His immortality made him an unstoppable monster.

People started to fear him more than anything or anyone. He achieved the name, "The Dominator." His crime pushed the very boundaries of evilness. And so seven powerful heroes with the help of a powerful ancient artefact, a sword

that can drain the life upon interaction, used it to demolish him.

They attacked him with all their might but due to him being immortal and a deadly combatant, all of them lost and were killed by Bartho. All of the six heroes were dead except for one.

The last hero used the sword to summon ancient magic that traps the King's soul within the sword while his mortal body is burnt-to-ash.

Before he dies too, he told his associate to seal the sword at a place where no human will ever trespass and the magical gem into the deep lake near a waterfall of a neighbourhood forest.


Now 2000 years later...

A young man enters a wealthy merchants house in the disguise of a servant. There's a party going on and many rich guests have attended it.

He serves the guests fruits and juices. But his eyes were on the jewel that was shining brightly within a glass box that is at the centre of the guest room.

"Hey, you come here!" One of the rich guests shouted.

He turns his attention to him.
"Yes sir."

"Bring me the Avalres juice." He ordered.

"Alright, sir." He nods.

While covering his face with a cloth to hide out his identity. Once he made and brought the juice. He enters the guest room.

As soon as he entered, he dropped a smoke bomb. Soon smoke filled the room and he used the opportunity to steal the jewel.

One of the guards saw him steal it amidst the smoke. He grabs him from behind.

"Give it up, you thief." He shouted.

At his words, the other guards were also alerted. The thief grabbed the guard's shoulder and threw him down on the floor.

He gives a run and escapes from the building. Jumping and dodging obstacles while the guards chases him.

He ducks into an alley and waits for them to leave. After sensing no more noise and the calm night takes in, he changes his get up and hides the jewel in his bag.

He then slowly comes out and goes for his home. But met two guards on the way.

The guards look at him suspiciously.

"Where are you going?" A tall and big guard asked him.

"Well, I'm on my way home." He said while clutching the bag tightly.

Their eyes fell on the bag and so they question him.

"What is inside the bag?"

He got quite nervous at their question but managed to give a firm answer.

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