CASE 115#

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JULY 8th, 1974

          This is agent Charlie, a trainee in the P.A.A centre. I am reporting my and my team's results after investigating our first case, case 115, operation ancestor. The creature in question is the Sasquatch, aka Bigfoot.

After 2 months, ½ weeks, we were able to prove that Bigfoot does exist, but there are only few of them alive. This is all due to climate change. Only a few of them were able to develop in time.

We have found a small group of them, north west of the super volcano of yellow stone. They seemed friendly, but after further investigation, we came to discover where does all the missing campers go.

We think that keeping this a secret from the society for good is the best thing to do, since if we do and officially approve Bigfoot's existence, hunters and illegal traffickers will be coming in a crazy rate to the U.S.

In addition to that, we do not know what change in the environment we can cause if we exterminate them all. If we tell the population that there is an ancient animal living in national parks and it feeds on human beings, they would not want to live side by side with an animal like that.

In conclusion, the Sasquatches should be all hidden, or their territory secured. And not to cut their supply of food.

This is agent Charles, signing off.


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