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It was now 7:32am and I was getting ready Aurora and Kentrell was getting ready Izaak I'm kinda sad that my babies are leaving me but you know I got to share them with Jay

I got Izaak ready its Aurora ready?"Kentrell said putting Izaak in his car seat

Yeah just got to put her shoes on"I said taking some baby socks on her

Ight well I will be downstairs"He said taking Izaak car seat with him

Ight I'm coming"I said buckling up Aurora walking behide him

Ight I'm coming"I said buckling up Aurora walking behide him

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Aurora just image her in the car seat

Aurora just image her in the car seat

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Just image him in a car seat

Yes they blankets on and on top of there car seat

BAE Jay here"Yb said coming into the kitchen

Ight grab the bottles and receiving blankets"I said going out the kitchen

Thanks again for letting me keep them for the day I'll bring them back by 3:30pm like you said but I was asking Yb if is okay for my boyfriend to br around them?"He said picking up there car seats

Yeah it's okay but just make sure y'all wash y'all hands and keep there blanket on them when you take them outside"I said kissing there little foreheads

Ight man good luck they are a handfull"Yb said handing Jay the diaper bags

Thanks man and thanks again"Jay said leaving out

Well I guess we can go back to sleep"I said walking upstairs

Nah son about to finish what I stared last night"Yb said throwing me on the bed

Come one in tired and we got the whole trip to be nasty"I said pulling the covers

Mhm you right"He said cuddling me

4 hours later....


Ma ma wake up in rwady to go"Baby A said jumping on the bed

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