Location-The twins roomI'm taking Nique and the babies out just to have a us day it would go right if only baby A would cooperate
It's like she don't wanna get dress I already got the twins and Kordell readyMama's if you get ready I'll give you some hello kitty gummies"I said bending down to her level
Rwelly?"She said
Yeah but you got to get dress first okay"I said picking up her pants that she threw on the floor
Okay dada"She said putting on her pants
See there you go mama's looking like your mama"I said taking her pictures
Yes I did her ponytail it was hard but I got it and I didn't without Nique helpMatter of fact she better be ready I woke her ass up before I woke the babies up
Let me go see if your mama ready just stay right there okay?"I said to baby A
Otay I swty right here"she said nodding her head
Ight"I said walking in my room just to see Nique walking the bathroom fully dressed