Wild at Heart (3)

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Jason's P.O.V:

This is fucking ridiculous!  My parents are out of their minds if they think that I would want to go to some hillbilly ranch in the middle of nowhere, instead of traveling the world with them!?! Idiots....both of them. I look out the window of the black townscar I'm in and scoff.  There are mountains in all around me, great, it's going to be freezing.  This ruins all my summer plans.  I was going to spend the summer partying, getting drunk, and getting laid on the East Coast!  This sucks! Hell, they probably have NO hot girls here in Wherever I'm going, Wyoming.  I close my eyes and doze of into a light sleep.  I was woken up by the driver saying we were here.  I roll my eyes and get ready for the torture ahead.

Elizzabeth's P.O.V:

The driver goes around and opens the door of the car.  Jeez, can't the guy just open the dang door himself?  Lazy ass.  He's never going to survive out here with that kind of attitude.  I saw black tennis shoes that looked expensive emerge from the car, followed by someone I didn't expect at all.

 He was stunning, though I probably won't ever admit it out loud.  He was tall, at least six feet.  He had beautiful wavy black hair that went to his ears.  He had one of those bad boy smiles that are to die for, but what captivated me the most were his eyes.  They were extremely unique, a gorgeous mix of light purple around the pupils and gold surrounding the purple.  Without knowing I let my eyes wonder down the rest of his body and let's just say I was extremely happy with what I saw.  The Hollister jeans and red shirt only added to his appearance.  It was then I noticed he was smirking at me.  Great, he's a cocky stuck-up asshole.  Momma stepped forward.

"Welcome to Cuore Selvaggio, Jason!"  She, being was her usually perky self, went up and gave him a hug.  He looked surprised at her hug and awkwardly patted her shoulder.  She finally let him go after what seemed like five minutes.

"You're going to have so much fun here!  I'll make sure of it."  She said matter-of-factly and he nodded along.  "Oh, I have to go take the pies out of the oven!  Liz, show Jason around will ya?"

"Yes Momma."

With that she hurried off towards the house.  I turned to Jason and stared at him for a long time until he stepped forward with his hand out.

"I'm Jason."  He said while his eyes were going up and down my body.

"Liz, pleasure to meet you."  I say and grab his hand.  He pulled me towards him until his lips were at my ear.

"I can give you pleasure." His teeth grazing my earlobe.  I wrinkled my nose and pushed him away with a no thanks.  He just smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, I'll show you around."

"To the bedroom?"  He said with a wink.

"No." I dismissed his suggestion.

            I started to lead him to the stables and he followed behind me quickly.  It was peacefully quiet until he stupidly said, "Where are we going?" I turned around and grinned at him.

"The stables, where we keep the horses.  You know, those big four-legged creatures with hooves, a long tail, and mane?  You usually ride them."

"I know what a horse is!"  He said right as he stepped in a heap of poop.

"Gross!  What the hell is this?"

"That, darlin', is called horse poop and it usually comes out of them after they have eaten."  I started laughing.

"I know that!"

We entered the stables and I brought him over to Lily.  I told him she was my horse and I went through all the horses names to him and how we cared for each one.  I was dying to ask him a question.

"Have you ever even ridden a horse before?"

"Ummm...no, but I've ridden in a Mustang."  Was he stupid?  I stared at him blankly.

"It's a joke...haha get it?  Mustang, horse."

"Hahaha you should be a comedian." I said sarcastically "You are such a cittả ragazzo!"  I called him a city-boy.

"What does that mean!?"  I laughed as I ran toward the lake leaving him clueless behind me.


I'm really sorry it took so long but I've been really busy with school and family and friends.  I do have a social life.  I'm going to try to upload by the end of the week, kay?

Do what you gotta do!



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2011 ⏰

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