Chapter two

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Waking up to the sound of chirping birds and crowing of our ever loyal cock at the back garden,I stretch out to rub out all the kinks in my lower back and neck sides,I drop my feet gingerly to the side of the bed and the stretch my right knucklesto rub at my eyes,the left to block out the yawn escaping my lips.

Shuffling my feet in my flip- flops, I drag the ends of the draw strings of my pajamas tight and head off out of the room to the opposite side of house where the bathroom was the start my morning business.

"Addy dear? Are you awake? Come on to the garden." My Grammy's voice rung out through the empty walls if the house,bouncing off and into my ears. You would think that from a rather small woman like Grammy,her voice would also be tiny. But no. It wasn't at all but rather strong and quite deep. But what can I say, I rather love her so much to care about that.

Rushing through my daily routine, I rush out, almost stubbing my toes on the door frame. I literally skipped down the rickety and cricking wooden steps, overjoyed and grinning about what was to happen today.

Opening the back door, I scanned the garden for Grammy and spotted her under the lemon tree that was already blossoming bringing out it's cute whitish- yellow flowers with the small multi colored bumblebees twirling and sucking on the sweet nectar it produces.

Skipping up to Grammy, I swooped down and plant a rather sloppy kiss on her sucken cheeks, which was due to her health depriving disease,one I she won't tell me about but rather saying to not bother but I can't help but worry every time I see her struggling and panting to do the slightest of work.

"Good morning Grammy" I greet while scanning the quaint table on which sat a pitcher of ginger ale- my favorite- and a bowl of sliced fruit accompied by the left over chicken soup of yesterday's night dinner set making to salivate hungrily.

"Good morning to you too my dear, I hope you slept well and get those grabby fingers from that pitcher!" Grammy replied to my greetings and ordered or should I say glared at my hand that had already found it way around it to stop and drop to my lap with pouting indignantly.

"But Grammy" , I try to scold " you know your back and knees are aching more frequently and your breathe is getting shallower, you know you can get me to come make breakfast for us and you just taking your rest."I said giving her my best begging face to try and to get to stop and just relax. But knowing her, she's one stubborn mule who wouldn't be swayed.

" Leave that my dear, save your breathe." She said softly but thinking in my head retorting" the one you have and don't want to save" would just really stop." Anyways, come try this garment I finished mending yesterday and let's see if we it would be appropriate for the ceremony." She continued.

Standing up grudgingly, I went over to her side and one look at it and knew it was dad's favorite,one that he always wore when he and mum went on a date together leaving me with Grammy. Though it's almost 12years sinced they died and Grammy and I exiled, I can't help but tear up at the sight of the Navy blue pants and white shirt and his black boots to match.

" I know,I know dear how much they meant to us but darling this is a happy day, smile and be happy for you can and should remember your father as a noble and courageous man who served the king although he was lied against and punished unjustly, they are resting with the moon goddess and their spirit is still here with us." She finished although a tear escaped her tear filled eyes,she wiped it off with the corner her skirt.

Trudging forward, I wrap my arms around her sniffling softly." Try it on dear,so we can clean you up and freshened and you shall be on your way to meet by the willing of Luna your mate today." She ended sighing softly. I know how hard it would be for Grammy when I find my mate but I reassured her each time it's brought up that she would be coming with me to stay with I and mate, but she refused and said she won't intrude.

"Alright Grammy, I would go and find my mate and come get you and we shall live happily together." I said grinning widely with one arms around her shoulder and the other clutching the clothes to be worn.

But little the I know that it won't be a happy after...


Waking up to a quite hard thump to my middle back, I turned around on the bed only to find my sleep- ladden eyes meeting Blake, my soon to be beta grinning rather sinisterly down at me.

" For heaven sake lake, spare me this morning." I said though my voice came out groggily as I lift my hand to wipe out any drool that I may have made while sleeping while lifting my my right arm to rest across my eyes blocking the sun rays streaming into the room though I don't remember opening it yesterday. Sure it would have to be Blake and his annoying way of waking people.

" Hey mister! Do not dare call me lake" he admonished waving his pointing finger in my face after forcing my arm from my face." Anyways", he continued " I, my humble and loyal self took it upon my self to personally see that our dear future alpha get dressed up and get his ass down to the ballroom for his mate finding ceremony" he finished dramatically bending his head low and crossing an arm across his torso with the other in the air as though completing something noble.

Apparently, it is only Blake and my dad the two closest to me, who can speak this way to me." I don't wanna go through this again, every year brings the same result" I retorted rather stubbornly although it would have been funny in a different case seeing a 6ft6 grown man with a mass of rugged muscle almost pouting childishly.

"Alright bro, am gonna do this the hard way" he replied tugging my bicep to make me seat up right facing my ceiling length closet by which stood by apparel for today glaring at it as though it should just disappear and in it's stead my mate should rather stand to which my wolf, Ian, agree completely to.

"Stopping glaring and start making a move" Blake snicker amused by my behavior making me to raise my hard to give him the stink eye. Running my fingers to my already disheveled hair messing up the ends more. " Ok, we might just this over with" I mumbled standing and stretching out all knots in my body making my shirt to lift up a bit at the edge causing the fridged cold air wash over it causing me to drop my hands.

"That's the spirit now, you might even meet your mate too though am not trying to lift up your spirit but it can also be possible today to meet her"Blake comforted patting my shoulders.

" Alright let's do this " I said already feeling an overwhelming Sense of good foreboding.

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See you cuties 💕.

Word count: 1292
Written: 12/6/2020
Edited: 12/10/2020

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