Chapter 3

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Skimming my fingers along the rough edges of the forest trees, I try to hold my self regally to make sure my clothes don't get caught in the dirt.

Although I am not really enthusiastic about leaving Grammy all by herself, I Know not to insist on staying to be with her for it would be an offense to the moon goddess if I do not obey her servants, the elders who authorated the whole Alpha mate ceremony, I can't help but feel worried and excited- worried about Grammy and also about getting caught in palace after being even knowing its complusory to attend banished or not and excited to see the palace again and all it's beautiful gardens and architectural buildings and the horses strutting down the cobblestone walkway,the different styles and fashion of dressing, I couldn't help but feel giddy on the inside.

Skipping languidly, I soon come to a sharp stop when I heard the unmistakable sound of growling.

My heart was already thundering wildly in my rib cage as though trying to force it's way out through my chest, I sure knew I had broken into a cold sweat. Turning slightly on my heels, I come face to face to a were's worst dream,- a rogue wolf.

It stood there rumbling deeply in it's chest, eyes alert to watch my every move as creeped forward in a stalkish manner forcing me to move back shaking violently as my breath caught in my throat taking in it's barely there fur, saliva dripping grossily unto the forest floor, it's eyes a deep blood red as it focused solely on me in a deadly manner meaning only one thing as it surely took in body shaking body- a promise of death.

"Pl-please I-I've done nothing am just going to be on my way. I'll l-leave your territory" I whimpered as I dragged my frozen legs backwards. As though it understood me, it crouched low and speed up pouncing on me only to miss my neck by a hair breath.

It was then my legs decided to function. Now my body now pumping full on adrenaline, I turned around and ran at a top notch barely noticing that my clothes were getting enstangled and then ripping off wildly , leaving my now bare skin to the harsh and coarse feel of the trees leaving small scrapings of wounds on my once smooth skin.

I do not even notice that as my legs move very much fast than it had ever had to move as still hear the deep bellied growling erupting through the once quiet forest as I slowly but surely gain speed on my as my feet then decided to trip it self over thin air with it was shaking so badly, I didn't know I had already wet myself and tears were streaming in torrents down my flushed cheeks as I spun quickly and began scrambling backwards on unsteady hands as I felt rather than saw as the flew through the thick forest lower shrubs and pounced on me as I raised my arms to shield my face when I felt the bone splitting and spine shattering pain as the rogue dug it's fangs in my arm covering my face as it dug it's claws into my belly successfully ripping my dad most treasured and remembered clothes as I released a blood cuddling scream before I passed out of the terrified and utter pain I felt...


Walking through the hallways with Blake by my side, we made our way to the Parkhouse ballroom where the ceremony was to take place.

Reaching the double heavily bronzed doors, where the two  hefty and sturdy guards bowed deeply when they saw us approaching before swinging the doors open for us to pass through only to be met with a very noisy crowd something I greatly disliked.

Everyone was chattering and beaming brightly at one another as they gathered for the mating ceremony for surely they also were most likely to as meet the mate even though it was solely meant for the alpha.

Walking as swiftly as I could while dressed in this outfit that felt like it would strangle me anytime soon made Blake to notice as chuckled slyly and reached up to my ear as he whispered softly" oh dear alpha! Do the crowd bother someone I happen to know? Someone who should be worried about finding his soulmate but looks like his gonna bust open any time soon with that grumbled and scowling face? Mm... Tell me, who is that" he finished nugding me conspiringly causing me to nudge him back harshly making hinm stumble into a server only making him to try gaining his balance as him bowed deeply apologizing though I was clearly not his fault making Blake to erupt into a booming laughter only mutted by the music been played as the party was now in full swing as I strutted fast amidst the dancing and mingling bodies as approached where my parents were already sitting at the top most side nearest the stage already sitted on their throne with my dad dressed in the royal blue and red attire at the middle, my step- mum at his left in her golden and red swiss ballroom gown in her own acquired Luna seat a seat my mate would soon occupy when I became alpha with three other adorned seats likewise on his right to be occupied by I ,Blake and Sam though he was patrolling the perimeters of the border against any adversary as he was the head guard.

"Mum, dad I hope it's a lovely day with you" I greeted parents smiling awaiting their reply only to freeze as my bottom just found my seat when Sam mindlinked my saying" Alpha, a rogue has been spotted along the border but also a omega hear we spotted deeply injured.I await your instructions sir." He concluded. " Bring them in and the pack doctor immediately" I replied as I pondered about the rogue spotted for surely there would be more soon that would be sighted as I mindlinked Blake about the issue while speaking to dad who was closer"I would be back soon dad. There is a problem" I said barely waiting to hear his reply as I walked fast out with Blake already joining me as the guest cleared up the middle like a plague as we were surely on a mission...

Wow! This was long.sorry everyone if you waited for the update that did not arrive on time😘.
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See you dearies💕💕

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