When I came back the next morning he was still there. Still cold and still and now covered in water. Poor guy. I decided to close the window again when Inoticed something else. A red dot in the corner of the sill was crawling awayfrom the frame. Man! I really should not let that window be open for any periodof time. The red dothad black dots and it sped up when it saw my face getting closer. It ranas fast as its little legs could carry it, stupid as it was, right towards the giant facethat came threateningly close to it. As if it had been a pebble in the way, thelive insectstarted climbing over the deadone. When the weight got too big on one side, the bee fell over on one side. Theladybug did not. It continuously crawled across the sill – now also covered inwater from travelling through the ocean puddle that I had left for them. Ipulled back and looked at the scene from a distance. The ladybug suddenly turned aroundand minored the distancebetween it and the bee. When it returned, it poked the little guy in the sidewith its front legs, considering if it should climb over him again or go aroundthis time. But it was also like saying: Hey, dude! Wake up, the giant facejust got smaller! Stupidas it was, not realizing that that is what distance does. To lessen its confusion,I came closer again. And it was a good thing I did, because otherwise Iwouldn't have seen the little twitch that came from his leg. Snapped like a twig the leg twitched danglinglyfrom the furry body. Ladybug saw it too and started poking his other side. Man!That must hurt! The ladybug seemed to laugh at the poor bee. I wanted toscold it for being inconsiderate but then I remembered that it was a bug andthat it would be weirdif I did. The weirdnesscontinued when the bee kicked his leg again and the dangling part hit Ladybugin the face. It ran across the sill again and away from him again bit stoppedhalfway as if it was out of breath. The bee shook and laughed this time and Iwrinkled my nose. Ladybugthen pulled up its ladybugsleeves and charged. It would have been a bloodbath, had Ladybug been bigger orthe bee smaller. But the bee was too weak to fight, and Ladybug was fighting too weakly. When it was outof breath again, it stood still. What's wrong little guy? Thirsty? Helpyourself. The bee seemed to splash some of the surrounding water that wasnow mixed with bug sweat. Ladybug then showed a little pink thing that couldhave been a tongue,but I don't know if ladybugs have tongues. It then spread its wings and flew out the windowthat I still hadn't closed. Assumingly to ask for nicer weather.

A Bee in the WindowsillWhere stories live. Discover now