Enough (Short Story)

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"She sat in the far left corner, trying to make everyone forget her. But of course, the teachers recognized her, and called her out.

'Want to, um, sit with us?' the next girl over asked.

She shook her head, 'No, but thank you.' She turned around and rolled her eyes.

'Are you sure you don't want to eat or drink? We have plenty,' every adult had told her. She simply shook her head no, and told them thank you.

She silently laughed to herself at the attention. 'Just forget me,' she thought, a smile on her face.

And of course, in school, all the teachers knew her. That's the way it had been at every school she had been in. 'Oh, yeah, her, straight A's,' she had imagined them saying in the teacher lounges.

'Good reader, too.' 'Keeps to herself a bit, doesn't she?' 'An example to the class.' 'Perfect attendance.' 'Amazing test grades.'

But she knew there was negativity.

'I can't believe she doesn't play sports!' 'I wish she would be more energetic in my class.' 'So quiet! I want class discussion!' 'She probably cheats!'

And that was final, an ever ending cycle of attention from teachers. Couldn't they leave her alone? She was just average. Just a bit smarter and a better reader. That's all.

She hated life. She contemplated suicide. She had daydreams of murderers in her house, killing her and sparing her family. 'Better than living,' she always told herself.

She was a bit anorexic, but she hid it well. She refused food sometimes, accepted it others. She couldn't have people on her case because of that.

She took personality tests online, each one came up with, 'Red Flag Warning: Your answer to the depression and suicide questions raise a red flag. You should call this number.' It was quite annoying."

"I've had enough," the teacher said. The girl in the front of the class looked at her teacher. "I'm tired of your sad story. Next person get up there and read something happy," the teacher ordered.

The student looked down at her feet and smiled. "Wait," she said.

The teacher looked at her, "What?" The class looked at her too.

"I'm not done," the girl said, still smiling.

"Go on," the teacher pushed.

"The girl went to church one day. She didn't listen, though. At school the next day, however, the teacher asked her if she was okay. As usual, she nodded. 'I don't think you are,' the teacher replied.

'What ever,' she said, turning around.

'Let me help you,' the teacher offered. She accepted, and she got better. Her depression slowly faded, and she never killed herself. The end," the student finished.

The class clapped and her teacher rolled her eyes. "Sit down," she said.

The End.

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