Valentino: *He walks out of the room, down the hall* {I'm SO fucking hungry...~ I'm not eating. Haven't for days. One more day won't make a difference. Yeah, other than the fact that we're gonna pass out from the pain...!}
Vaggie: ...! ... Uhm... You might wanna get a different room...
King: Y- F-Fuck~~!~ Y-Yeah~~!
Cuphead: I'm loyal to your sister, Will..! =^=
Mugman: Cuphead's the one who told me to hug him! Not to mention, I don't like Bendy that way! I like- *His face turns blue* N-Nobody..! I-I, eh..! *He quickly turns around, walking out*
Eddie: Oh, cool! My mom said she's picking me up too.
Billy: I-I'm walking with S-Stan.
Ren: . . . *He pulls out his phone, texting Richie*
It's me, the bitch UwU: Did she actually say she's picking you up..?