Ep 10: The Dark Knight! Z Achilles!

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"Alright so here's the plan since the walls are too hard for a little guy like me to climb we can just slip in the door along with Aiger and Ranjiro."

"I have a better idea."

Liam stood at the base of the Dread Tower looking at the stonework. It was beautiful and yet intriguing at the same time. Near the top the fire burned bright allowing him heat.

"Now if we're really quiet we can.... ooo or maybe if we just...."

A few rocks from above trickled down snapping Liam out of his thoughts.

Free was crouched from above looking down at Liam.

"What?... How in the world did you get up there so fast? That wall has to be at least twenty feet up in the air."

Free shrugged his shoulders and threw down a rope. He tied the other end  letting Liam take his time climbing up. On the other side, Free watched Aiger and Ranjiro enter. They both had determined looks as they walked up the stairs. Not long after Liam made it to the top and crouched down next to Free.

"Won't they notice us?"

"No, people never look up."


They were both silent for a couple of minutes watching Aiger, Ranjiro and Count Nightfell. Aiger was yelling at the Count and Ranjiro was trying to calm him down. The whole scene reminded Liam of his younger brothers fighting.

"Yeesh, how can someone be that loud?" Said Liam covering his ears.

Says the kid with pipes himself Free thought.

"Woah who's that guy?"

"Count Nightfell, he's a phantom thief."

"Wow, he must be powerful!"


"What are they saying I can't really hear them."

Ranjiro and Aiger had calmed down, but Aiger was still yelling at Count Nightfell.

"I wonder what kind of stadium that is?" Liam mumbled.

"Come on let's get a better view."

Crouching down Free moved swiftly and yet so quiet at the same time. They moved to the other side while Count Nightfell talked to them.

Then something caught Frees eye.

"Wait, stop."

Free crouched down and listened.

"I'm volunteering to guide you to him. That is if either of you can manage to defeat my Aether in battle."

Taking both the pieces he clicked them together as if it were magic.

Free could've sworn he heard Liam say "oh snap." Or something like that.

"Man I wish I knew magic." Liam mumbled.

"No magic here. Aether is born from the fusion of two powerful beys" Count Nightfell responded as if he was talking to Liam.

"That's amazing, I've never seen a bey like that!" Aiger responded sounding excited.

"For once I actually agree with him."

"Are you not a fan of Aiger?"


Free heard something above almost like it was a bee or a buzzing noise. A camera flew above in the shape of a rolley polley or a bug.

"Get down."

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