Ep 14: Resurfacing! The Return of Phi!

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"Here's how this will go down Free, this is a two point battle. The minute one of us bursts it's game over. Now then let's get this party started Huh Ha!"

Hyde put Hades into his launcher and Free did the same with Fafnir.




"Let it.. RIP!" Both of them said.

Free launched incredibly slow while Hyde's launch was perfect.

All part of my plan..

Free ignored Hyde as he talked about how bad Frees launch was. Fafnir took up the center wobbling slowly.

Meanwhile Hades spun around Fafnir not even daring to touch it. The battle was dragged on boring Free. While Hyde was silent by now Free realized that Hyde caught onto his little game.
Fafnir stopped spinning, Hades knocked it out of the stadium and Free caught it.

"Dread Hades with a survivor finish, one point goes to Hyde."

"Huh Ha! having fun yet Free? Are you ready to lose? I know you're holding back, show your true power and prove you're not a world chump like Aiger." Hyde put Hades into his launcher.

Free closed his eyes focusing out all distractions. He thought back to BC Sol's forest. Then he opened his eyes. They were glowing gold and his veins were starting to surface.

"You see Hyde, you don't know what true strength is and I do. Allow me to show you."

Free yelled as loud as he could, his resonance surrounded him in beautiful golden colors. Free gave Hyde a forced smile as he put Fafnir in his launcher.




"Let it rip!"

This time instead of wobbling Fafnir was a little bit faster taking up the center.

Hades used its scythes to attack Fafnir but Fafnir wasn't absorbing any energy. After a while of attacking Fafnir began to wobble. The whole time Free had a smile on his face.

"You're finished, Hades Dread Impulse!"

"Oh so that's what you think, Fafnir finish this!"

Fafnir's resonance surrounded Free engulfing him in golden energy. Above Frees bey rose Fafnir letting out a bone chilling roar. Hyde followed Free by summoning Hades.

Hades hit Fafnir and burst, sending its pieces up into the air by Hyde's feet.

"Two points awarded to Fafnir, Free De La Hoya wins."

"It's a good thing that wasn't a title match, otherwise you would have lost your reign as champion." Free said walking off.

Hyde stood there speechless as Free walked past him without a care in the world.

Walking backstage Liam ran up to Free and started congratulating him.

"Wow, that was so cool, what was that?"

"A slow motion burst. C'mon Liam let's get out of here besides Aiger has Valt and Shu to help."

"Yeah, you're right. Our work here is done."

Free and Liam walked through the Dread Tower together walking side by side. Liam realized he wasn't even scared anymore.

"Hey Free I almost forgot to tell you. When I ran off earlier trying to meet Shu I got lost and found this strange room full of tapestries. But one of them was different from the rest it had a large Phoenix ruling the skies. It was cool until I looked at the bottom, below people were running, screaming and watching in fear."

"Huh, you shouldn't worry about it Liam it's probably nothing."

"Okay, well that's a relief."

As Liam happily walked back to the entrance Free was quiet. The whole time Free was thinking about that tapistry. He knew lying to Liam was bad but he didn't want him to worry. This was something he had to worry about. When they reached to exit Liam gave Free one last hug and went back to the tour. Free went off in another direction.

The whole time Free made sure Liam made it back safely. When Liam made it to the top he waved at Free. Then he disappeared along with his mom.

Free kept walking, he sure was going to miss Liam but he was glad nothing bad had happened to him. But little did Free know that a figure in the distance was watching.


Hyde had a very bad problem, there was something wrong with Hades but he couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe Aiger caused it or maybe it was Free? He didn't know. He just wasn't feeling the joy, the happiness, or the sensation of pride anymore.

Meanwhile Phi was standing near the top of the Dread Tower watching Free leave. The whole time he didn't take his eyes off of him. Resting in his hand Phoenix glowed in response. Phi smiled and looked at Free.


Phi took out his phone, it was buzzing with an unknown number.

"I'd like the purpose of a partnership." Said a voice on the other end.

A/N: sorry it was short, but I've been writing all day. Hope you guys enjoyed it! As for the next short story It'll be a while but it's going to take place before this one. When It's all done I'll put them in order. Sorry for that but in order to go along with the story I have to put things in this order. Anyways the next story will take place in... New York! Home to the Raging Bulls!

Free De La Hoya: Hunters of the Forgotten (Book 1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now