Chapter 2 - Meetings and Surprisings

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(Winwin's POV)

I arrive at the dorm, and it was a blonde, tall building with a clock on the front with 2 windows at the side and one by the middle.

Winwin would open up the big gate, being led to a big room with stairs.

"Alright...wheres my room?" Winwin said, looking around the big hall.

"Aren't there numbers on the door?" Yuta said, looking at Winwin. 

"I suppose. My room is....4-B." Winwin said.

"Well, lets go there. I wanna meet your roommate."


Winwin and Yuta go up the stairs on the fourth floor, knocking the door on 4-B.

Haechan would open the door. "Oh-Hey Winwin! You're my roommate right?"

"Yeah! I suppose your Haechan?"

"Correct! Who's that?"

"Yuta? Oh he's my boyfriend."

"Ohhh. I miss my boyfriend..He really was a gem. Anyways come in!" Haechan said, greeting them inside.

"So, my bed is on the left side so your bed will be on the right." Haechan said.

"Alrighty," Winwin said, unpacking his suitcase straightening up his room.

" long have you and Yuta been together?" Haechan said, suspicious

"Oh-4 years so around 9th grade." Winwin said.

" boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years..pretty long huh?"

"Oh-a year in front of us."


He seemed like a really nice guy. I hope we'll get along at one point.


(Mark's POV)

Mark would arrive to the college at the same building.

"Ok can do this. Don't be afraid."

I thought that surprising Haechan was gonna be very easy....but now I just feel..nervous.

Mark would enter the big building.

"I believe he said his room was 4-B. And my room is 4-A."

Mark would walk up the stairs with his suitcase, knocking on the door of 4-B.

Haechan would open the door. "Who is it-MARK?!"

"Hey you big ball of sunshine!"

Haechan would hug Mark very tightly.

"What are you doing here?! Visiting?" Haechan said.

"Actually....I applied to be in the same college as you. I missed you so much Haechan!"

"Oh. My. God.....WE'RE GONNA BE COLLEGE MATES!" Haechan squealed.

"Yeah and even better. My room is 4-A. We're right across from each other!"


"So, who's my dorm mate?"

"Probably Yuta. He went into 4-A and I think he's living there."

"Oh-you already met him?"

"Yeah. He's the boyfriend of my roommate, Winwin."

"Ahh....nice." Mark said.

"Well, I'm off to meet my roommate. See you Haechan!"


Mark would enter the dorm.

"Hello! I suppose you're Yuta?"

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