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I sat up quickly, "Daniel." I said but he didn't flinch, "we've been doing this for a day and you want me to move in with you?"

"Well I was thinking and I really want to be with you, I want things to be serious." He said and a smile grew on my face. "Well I guess he have been doing this little dance for almost a year and a half." I huffed as I laid back down.

"And we do know each other better than anyone else." He added in. "Fuck it I'll move in with you." I laughed and he jumped up and laid on top of me hugging me.

I smiled and put my head in his neck. He pulled away a little to meet my eyes. My eyes slowly went from his eyes to his lips.

He gently kissed me, the feeling of his lips on mine gave me a feeling of happiness I'd never felt before. I pulled away smiling, "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." I whispered. "Yea good thing we both got cheated on." He mumbled which made me chuckle a little.

We fell asleep and by morning the sun was shining through the windows and he was holding onto me tightly. I slithered out of his grip and headed to the kitchen. I started making coffee and breakfast as I thought about last night.

I've waited for something like this for so long and he's been in front of me this whole time. I finished making breakfast and set his on a plate for him once he would wake up and took mine and sat at the dining table as I looked for an apartment.

After a while of looking and not finding anything I switched up my search a little. I started looking for beach houses, I did end up finding one, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large kitchen and living area and a lot of outdoor space, but the auction was today.

Just then I heard Daniel getting up. "Good morning handsome." I said as he kissed my cheek and sat next to me with his food. "What are you looking at?" He asked and I showed him the listing.

"The auction is later today and I'm thinking of going." He nodded and I smiled as I took a sip of orange juice. We finished up breakfast and headed both changed into nicer clothes for the auction.

We hopped in an Uber and headed to the house. It was everything I needed, I could use the extra room for guests and the basement could be a studio, best of all was the views from the master bedroom.

After a lot of bargaining back and forth between this middle aged woman I ended up getting the house. As soon as they said sold Daniel scooped me up and spun me in circles.

We signed the papers and everything we had to do and I could move in as soon as tonight but we wouldn't have a bed or anything so we figured we'd wait until tomorrow. We ended up heading into the city and shopping a little before grabbing dinner.

A few pictures were snapped of us but nothing I worried about too much. We ended up buying a bunch of supplies for the house and things for the studio.



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(Ik it's hailey bieber)

 I glanced at the article on my phone and showed it to him as we were on our way back to my moms house

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I glanced at the article on my phone and showed it to him as we were on our way back to my moms house. We pulled in the driveway and there were multiple cars there.

"Daniel those don't look like rentals." I said walking past a nice BMW. "Damn these are the boys." He said as we made it up the driveway carrying our shopping bags.

I set one bag down and as I went to unlock the door it swung open. "Good day mates!" Zach said in a weird accent. "What did ye do alladat shoppin for?"

"Zach that's not even an accent, you're just saying words wrong at this point." Daniel said and Zach stepped out of the doorway.

We brought in the bags and started showing them to see if they could guess what I did today. First I pulled out a microphone for the studio. "Oh that's easy you guys bought new microphones to replace the old beat up ones Daniel has." Corbyn said and Daniel looked offended.

"Those are brand new!" He said and I pulled out the next item which was a Keurig coffee maker. "Oh oh I know this one! You spend too much at Starbucks on a regular basis so you bought a coffee maker!" Zach yelled.

"No." I laughed and grabbed a pack of hangers from a different bag. "You're not pregnant are you?" Jonah asked looking terrified.

"What? No! We haven't had sex since like last year!" Daniel said and I hit his chest. "You guys had sex LAST YEAR!" Jack yelled and I just stared at Daniel.

"Yea who do you think all those wonderful songs were about." He laughed, "they were all like fuck you, you're an asshole. And boom now we're.... now we are.."

"Dating." I said and he pulled me into a side hug. "Holy shit." Zach said as he looked like he was have a breakdown at the kitchen table, "Which songs?" He asked.

"Why do you need to know?" Jonah asked and Zach almost looked scared. "Nora just tell me."

"Call me!! Just a boy, Just friends, July we wrote together," he stopped me with a horrified look on his face.

"So you're telling me all those times I was jamming out to you're music, on tour, at parties, in the shower! I WAS SINGING ABOUT HIM???" He yelled at the end pointing at Daniel.

I laughed as I nodded yes. They started play fighting and I regathered their attention to tell them about the house.

Fuck bitches, get money

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