Chapter 1

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I  waited patiently for the bus to arrive, I wasn't paying attention to the time spent waiting, I was drifting through memories of my adventures with Yusuke and the gang. It had only been a minute since we parted ways, I decided to enroll in a school for monsters; frankly just to try something new, hence why I'm standing here waiting for a bus.

Suddenly I forseen honking, with the ability of my trusty third eye. I quickly leave my thoughts, and prepare to board the bus. The bus parked in front of me, and the doors slowly propped open; releasing some ghostly smoke.
A creepy bus drive suddenly peered out, "You
Going to Yokai kid?", he asked me, and I simply gave a thumbs up, and casually boarded the bus, with luggage in tow.

The bus was damn near isolated, except for some black haired kid at the back. I thought about going back there, but I decided to keep my distance. I take a nice seat at the front, and took a seat; crossing my right leg on my left.

Suddenly from the back, the unknown kid, bursted out. "Eh?!? The reception is gone!"
After he said that, the bus came to a halt; jerking forward in the process. I believe we've finally reached our destination. We dismounted from the bus, quickly getting a word advice from the driver, before he zoomed off.

I glanced at the scenery, upon exiting the bus.
A bloody sea, scarecrows, bats, and a green sky. Feels like home, I said as, I took in the stench of death and despair.

I started walking leaving that guy behind. I quickly stopped, and looked at him, " hey, do you know the way", I said. He casually looked around, until finally finding a path. As soon as he spotted it, I kept embarking on my journey.

The guy followed closely behind, as we entered the forest. As we got deeper into the forest the guy spoke up, "so what's your name", he asked.
"Just call me Hiei", I said plainly as kept walking.

"O-oh, well my name is Tsukune, nice to meet you,Hiei", he said. With introductions out of the way, we kept walking. After a while, I started to sense something coming, I quickly moved out of the way, evading anything that was coming. Tsukune being left behind, took whatever was coming.

"Ahhhhh, my back", he said, as a bike came through like a freight train, and smacked him. He fell down grunting. I quickly, came to assist, I helped him up.

We quickly came in contact of a girl, whom wore a school uniform, similar to Tsukune, yeah did i mention, I only had on my regular battle attire, but of course her uniform was more centered towards females.

She propped up quickly, "I'm so sorry I got dizzy" she said, before laying her gaze towards me. Those emerald green eyes started at me, until her cheeks heated up a shade of cherry red. "It's cool", I said on Tsukune's behalf.

She leaned down, and took out a tissue, wiping away some of Tsukune's blood. She then quickly started to sniff it intensely."so she's a vampire", I muttered under my breath.

"Oh no! This smell...." Do i reek or something, Tsukune asked."So sorry!I can't help it" she said before grabbing his face "Cause I'm a vampire!" She then lunged at him; bitting away at his neck. Tsukune was surprised as he looked at me. Moments later she cocked back; releasing her grip. "I'm sorry", she said. "You bit me!" Tsukune said, before analyzing the mark, for it didn't leak blood, but it sure looked painful.

"Are you both going to Yokai Academy too"
The girl asked; bending over to retrieve her pamphlet.subsequently, she revealed her panties, I glanced at the view, but Tsukune, only replied "Y-yeah we are freshman's" with a slight stutter.

Suddenly his nose began to trickle with blood. The girl soon wiped away his blood, prying on to his neck once again. She apologized once more for her actions, Tsukune simply accepted the apology, while rubbing his neck once more.

Hiei reader x Rosario + vampire Where stories live. Discover now