Onto the Stage!

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11:59 am

"Are you ready for this, Iris?" Draycos asked, standing backstage where contestants waiting for their turn in the 2nd Annual Atlantis City Talent Show were. Both had a mic attached to their shirt collars. They were up next after the current performers, who were somehow doing a juggling trick with flaming bowling pins while riding on unicycles. The performance seemed to be received well.

Iris sighed as she curled her hands into fists. "I think I am," she replied, not looking Draycos in the eye.

Draycos noticed that her hands were trembling slightly. "You getting nervous now?" he commented.

Iris shook her head. "No, not really. In fact, I think it's the exact opposite." She suddenly smiled. "I'm actually getting really excited for this. I'm looking forward to having some fun onstage with you."

Draycos returned the smile and placed a hand on Iris's shoulder. "Good," he said. "That's the perfect mindset to have when you go on stage. Just go out there and have some fun. If you perform just the way you did when we first met each other, it'll be just fine; I promise."

Iris opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment, her watched beeped to signal the hour had struck noon. Almost simultaneously, the three judges on the judging panel had the jugglers end their performance. They bowed and walk offstage amid applause from the audience.

"Next up are contestants Iris Jewelson and Draycos! They will be singing--"

"That's our que," Draycos remarked. He stepped aside and motion for Iris to go ahead. "Ladies first. Besides, you're the main act."

"Thank you," Iris said, smiling as she walked past him and onto the stage, with Draycos close behind her.

As they walked out to the middle of the stage, Draycos could pick up the whispering coming from the audience. "Iris Jewelson? That Jewelson?"

"What's the mayor's daughter doing in the talent show this year?"

"Who knows? But I bet she has no talent at all. She's probably one of those stuck-up rich pricks who just wants some time in the spotlight."

"Yeah, and since her dad's the mayor, she'll probably win this year if he pulls some strings for her."

Draycos heard all of this; the acoustics in this room left no one to be unheard. He bit down his annoyance, though, and took a harmonica out of his pocket while Iris adjusted the mic. Iris was originally never going to participate in the talent show; it was his idea for her to sign up for it. After weeks of convincing her, she finally agreed only when Draycos promised to perform with her. The plan was for her to sing while he played along with his harmonica.

His harmonica once belonged to the woman who ran the orphanage he grew up in. After she passed away, the orphanage was shut down due to insufficient funds, and Draycos, the only orphan left there, was sent to several different foster families over several months until the government gave him a place to stay himself and money to provide for himself. It was then that a box came in the mail containing the harmonica and a letter explaining that the woman running the orphanage directed that it was to be given to him in her will.

He had many fond memories of listening to the woman play the harmonica for him. When he had nightmares, she would come in and start playing it until he calmed down and fell back asleep. It was made of polished mahogany, with ivory plating and a gold plaque on the top with a stylized double D engraved in it.

Draycos brought the harmonica to his mouth while Iris closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a moment her eyes snapped open and she looked up at the sound booth operator behind the audience. The operator gave the signal that he was starting the music. Iris nodded, and as soon as the music started, Iris and Draycos began.

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