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The next morning, Draycos woke up, and the very first thing he noticed was that Zero had squeezed himself into Draycos's cell and was looking down at Draycos while he laid in bed, towering over him with a seriously creepy grin on his face. That smile didn't last very long as Draycos immediately delivered at swift kick to the underside of Zero's jaw. There was a loud clack as one of Zero's sharp teeth went flying out of his mouth and hit the ceiling, shattering from the force of the impact.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in my cell, you sicko?!"

"See? What did I tell you, Zero?" a familiar voice called from outside the cell as Zero staggered backwards, spitting blood while Draycos glared at him. "I knew that was going to happen. Glad I decided to come along on a hunch. You really are taking this joke too far."

Zero fell backwards out of the cell, his jaw already turning purple from the bruising. Draycos walked out of his cell, scratching the back of his head as he glared down at Zero. Poseidon sat at his desk as usual, and Damrabe stood in front of it, resting a hand on the desk. Both dragons observed the spectacle unfold in front of them, shaking their heads simultaneously.

Grimacing in pain as he rubbed his jaw, Zero sat up. "Ow, that one hurt," he groaned. "Why'd you kick me out of the blue like that, Draycos?"

"Why do you think?" Draycos growled. "I wake up and first thing I see is a gay dragon standing over my bed. How else would I react?"

"I'm not gay," Zero muttered. "I told you that was a joke."

"Even if it was a joke, you're starting to take it too far, Zero," Poseidon told him. "Draycos isn't the only one starting to think that this act of yours isn't a joke anymore."

Surprised, Zero looked at Poseidon and Damrabe. "Is it really coming off as that?"

Both dragons nodded their heads.

"Aww, all right, all right. I get it; I'll stop for real now," Zero grumbled, spitting out another mouthful of blood. "It's just been really entertaining to watch Draycos's reactions all the time. But if people are starting to doubt my motives behind it, I guess I should call it quits."

Damrabe bit into his thumb and flicked the resulting droplet of blood onto Zero while Poseidon cleaned up the blood on the floor by sending small orbs of water gliding across any blood-covered surfaces. The bruising faded away from Zero's jaw, and the slightly red water balls all popped into a very fine mist which dissipated in the air.

Draycos was surprised to see Damrabe's healing abilities; he had yet to witness it up to this point. A sudden realization came upon him. He must have been the one to heal my injuries after that brawl with Brock.

"Sorry about knocking out one of your teeth, Zero," Draycos apologized uncomfortably.

"What are you talking about, Draycos?" Zero put his index finger inside his mouth and pulled back his lips. A new fang had already grown in the spot where the original one had been kicked out. There was still some blood on his gums around that spot, making it clear that the tooth had indeed been removed.

"Wha-? How did- I thought I knocked it out!" Draycos couldn't understand what was going on. Zero pointed at Damrabe from where he sat.

"It's all thanks to Damrabe's healing abilities. Not only can he heal almost any injury, he can also assist his target in regenerating lost limbs, teeth, organs, etc. His unique blood magic has some of the most powerful restoration class spells known in this world."

Blood magic? Restoration class? The unfamiliar terms stuck out to Draycos. There seems to be some rules to magic in this world.

"I think that's enough talking about my magic," Damrabe growled as he glared at Zero, who finally got to his feet. "Draycos, how are you feeling today?"

Gatekeepers Book 1: DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now