There was a light at the end of the tunnel.
It was dim and far away, but it was there. A sign, that's all I needed and that's what the universe gave me. A way for me to know that everything was going to work out at the end.
I ran as fast as my legs allowed me, my breath heavier with every step. I heard my heart synchronizing with my surroundings, and I was sure I would be able to make it to the other side.
But the light began to leave me behind.
What once was my glimmer of hope, started to retreat from its initial place of being and my breath got heavier, but this time with an anxious rhythm.
I tried everything: my arms left my sides and reached towards the light, so I could be able to at least touch it for a second or two, but this made the light jump ahead, more feet forward than it were before.
I lower my pace.
My body slams the floor.
Tears run down my face.
My heart gets quiet, but with a subtle beat, reminding me it's still there, working, keeping me alive.
With my eyes closed, I do what I hadn't done in years and I pray. Not to that one gentleman they all do it for, but I pray for and to the light, I pray towards hope and my lack of it, showing how much I need it.
I start feeling warmth all around me and my eyes open slowly and all I see is white and everything hits me at once.
I'm inside it.
Around me, the ones I love and loved, smiling with tears in their eyes and raising their arms on my direction, inviting me in.
Inviting me inside happiness.
I stand up and wait for the better times, while they all walk to where I am.
Little Stories from Big Hearts
PoetryA compilation of poems and little stories from characters with big hearts.