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b i l l i e

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b i l l i e

it was surprise to say the least when i woke up with next morning with jessie's arm around my waist. to be honest, though, it was a pleasant surprise. as much as i wanted to stay in the bed with her, i knew that i shouldn't, which is why i carefully removed myself from her grip, and made my way upstairs.

i walked into the guest room and found my phone sitting on the bedside table. i picked it up and turned it on, seeing three missed messages from finneas.


where did you go?
call me when you can


we may fight sometimes, but we still care about and love each other. we always made it a point to not stay mad at one another fire too long.

i clicked his name at the top of the screen and then clicked the audio button, bringing it to my ear as it rang. he answered on the fourth ring.

"hey, where did you run off to last night?" he asked immediately. "are you okay?"

"i went to jessie's and yeah, i'm okay." i responded.

"that's good. look, i'm sorry for last night. i shouldn't have lost my temper like that." he apologized.

"it's alright, i shouldn't have gotten so angry either."

"so we're good?" he asked.

"yeah, we're good."

"alright. love you, bil."

"love you too, finny."

i ended the call and slipped my phone into my pocket. i walked back down stairs to the first floor, my eyes landing on jj, who was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water.

"'morning." she greeted, raising her hand to wave slightly.

"'morning." i echoed.

"how'd you sleep?" she asked, placing her glass in the sink. "or at least after you came in to my room."

"i slept pretty great actually," i answered. "you know now that i think about it, these past two nights, i've gotten the best sleep i've ever had."

"same." she said simply, walking past me.

i turned around and followed her down to the basement, deciding to lean against the wall at the bottom of the staircase, crossing my arms over my chest. i watched as she walked over to the table and picked up her vape, bringing it to her lips to take a hit from it.

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