Chapter 2

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The bright sun shined through the window making Quinn's eyes squint, and woke her up. She felt so warm and safe, she turns her head and saw her beautiful wife sleeping with her arms wrapped around her. Quinn had her head on Santana's pillow, unconsciously playing with her dog tags. Quinn was thinking about how she finally has her wife back with her forever and doesn't have to worry about her going back or even worse getting killed, she hates thinking about it but it couldn't but slip her mind sometimes.

Quinn came back to the real world when she felt a soft pair of plumps lips against her own, she couldn't resist and deepen the kiss and now straddling her wife enough to not hurt her leg. Quinn pulled away and trailed kisses along the way from Santana's jawline which she loved so much.

"Mmm mornin'," Santana said with her voice slightly raspy.

"Morning indeed," Quinn pulled back facing her wife with the biggest grin ever. She got off Santana and went back to her previous position. The two women stayed in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's warmness. A few minutes later something interesting had caught her eye, "San,"


"Is that new?" Quinn pointing to her left forearm that now has a tattoo, it was a heartbeat with Quinn's initials in the middle with the heartbeat continuing.

"Yeah, I got it a few months ago," Santana looking at it with a smile.


"Because you're my heartbeat, my life, my everything Quinn and I know that in any universe you always will be, and oh I also got a little family tree but that's on my back," Santana said sincerely

Tears were threatening to fall Quinn's eyes, "I love you so much"

"I love you too my Lil precious bunny"

Quinn grins at the nickname Santana used ever since they were kids. She cupped Santana's jaw and gave her a deep meaningful kiss. Her fingers tugged at the hem of Santana's shirt to take it off but heard a knock on the door. Both girls groaned, "right we still have kids" the blonde said playfully.

The Latina giggled, "go and open the door."

When Quinn got up Santana couldn't resist eyeing her wife's body, her thoughts were gone when the kids jumped on the bed and cuddle tackled her while avoiding her leg.

"Good morning my babies"

"Good morning Mami," both Alex and Faith said. The kids and mothers played with their kids until Santana felt a slight pain in her leg. Quinn got up to get some water and a pain pill for her to take.

"Mami what's this" Alex asked pointing at Santana's right arm sleeve tattoo that consisting of music notes and a mic. 

"That my son is a tattoo" Santana replied.

"Wat a tatdo" Faith asked.

"Well it's like a marker but it stays there forever," Santana tried to explain.

"Can I get one?" Alex asked.

"Oh, Alex honey none of that till you're at least 18," Quinn spoke up.

"Awwee, you have a lot" Alex asked.

"Yes I do, I also got a few on my legs, and a family tree on my back," Santana told the little blonde.

"Momma do you have any?" Alex looked at Quinn.

"Yes I do"

"What do you have Momma?" Alex asked the blonde.

"I have an outline of our favorite picture when we were babies, our anniversary date, a shooting star, a rainbow butterfly, and I got a little rose and a few arrows," Quinn said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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