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Jaiden woke up in her apartment, and had never been more confused as to how she got there in her life. She sat up from her bed, and hissed. Pulling the covers down and her shirt up, she saw that her side was bandaged.

Oh yeah.

Had they won? Was it really over?

She stood, her entire body feeling like she'd gone twelve rounds with the Hulk, and walked over to her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Normal. She looked fine. She then looked to the morpher in her hand, and frowned.

No more powers, huh...

This was really it, then. It was over.

She stepped out of her room, now realizing how thirsty she was so she made her way to her kitchen.

And then she froze at the sight.

"Tommy?" She hissed out, seeing the man sitting on one of the stools at her kitchen bar. Tommy whipped around the seat to face her, and wore the most relieved expression.

"Hey kid," he smiled to her. Jaiden sort of scoffed, and rushed over to him. He stood and embraced the girl in a tight hug.
"What're you doing here?" Now she was really beyond confused.

"Sensei Watanabe called," huh, didn't know him and Tommy were buddy-buddy, "he said you guys did it. You destroyed Lothor." Jaiden backed away from the hug, and sort of stared out into the distance, still not quite believing that all of that happened.

"Yeah, I guess we did." She acknowledged, "how long was I asleep? Where is everyone?" Tommy looked to the girl fondly, especially at how high energy she was after everything. Her friends had explained to him what exactly happened, that she'd singlehandedly destroyed Lothor and sealed the Abyss of Evil. Meanwhile here she stood with minimal injuries, as if all of that was a piece of cake.

"Two days, they're out at the Wind Ninja Academy cleaning up and rebuilding. Took everything I had to kick them out," Jaiden chuckled at that, "you got yourself some good friends."

"Yeah, I really do." A small smile crept onto her lips.

"Oh, Hunter's nice, too." Tommy laughed at how quickly Jaiden whipped her head up, looking to him with petrified eyes. "Go. I told them you'd meet them once you woke up."

"What about you?" Jaiden then asked, and the man wove her off.

"Think I'll walk around town for a bit," he told her, "I'm gonna head back to Reefside in the morning. You still up for coming with me?"

"Yeah, I'll head down at the end of the week, though. Wanna say goodbye to everyone," Tommy nodded as the girl headed back into her room. She changed into her ninja training gear, and headed back out to the main room of her apartment.
"I'll see you later then," Jaiden waved to Tommy, and the man watched the girl head out hurriedly. He smiled inwardly. She'd changed so much in the past two years. When Tommy had first found Jaiden, she'd barely utter two words to him. She'd been so scarred and closed off from what happened at her Academy, the only way he could get her to open up just slightly was in training. The two would spar, and when he'd get sore (because let's face it, Tommy isn't twenty years old anymore), his friends would step in.

And now, he watched the girl beam and smile again. She was happy, finally after all of this time.

Jaiden Ninja Streaked and became a blur of white until she reached the waterfall in the forest. Nodding slightly to herself, she stepped through it. When she used to see rubble and wreckage, now she saw construction and people. All of the Ninja students from both Academies were here, helping rebuild the Wind Academy.

The Ice Ranger (Power Rangers Ninja Storm- Hunter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now