Chapter 11

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A crowd had formed in front of the science building, watching the fire. The fire department and paramedics arrived, yelling at people to get back. People were being rescued from the building, walking out of the main entrance as the fire was only on the 3rd floor.

The crowd watched, horrified, wondering what happened. Some were even FB live streaming it.

At one point, an explosion burst through the windows of the 3rd floors. The crowd at the bottom covered their eyes, except for one crowd member, who could have sworn they saw...two giant bats...crash through the windows into the building, which was what caused the explosion. They grabbed their phone and started filming, hoping to see the bats fly back out. However, they were so focused on the window, that they didn't see the bats exiting through the roof, carrying what looked like a lifeless figure.


Giovanni and Elijah landed in front of the hospital, transforming from their bat form to their human form. Giovanni, using his vampire speed, ran to an empty ambulance and broke in, grabbing the stretcher. Elijah ran over with Rowan's body in his arms, throwing him on the stretcher as Giovanni attached an oxygen mask to Rowan's face.

"I feel a pulse," Elijah said quickly, "There's still hope."

"Holy fuck," said Giovanni, "The left side of his face is completely burned..."

"He still has a chance, come on!" said Elijah.

They wheeled him into the hospital as fast as they could (in human speed once they were in presence of humans). As they sped down the hall, 3 nurses met up with them since Giovanni called ahead. They reached the checkpoint where they both were not allowed to pass.

"No, we need to go this time," Elijah said, "He's family."

"Please, let us help him ourselves," said one of the nurses. They took over wheeling Rowan and left Gio and Elijah standing there. Normally they were very professional while in their work outfits, but Elijah broke into tears and embraced himself into Gio's arms.

The nursing team met up with a doctor in the operating room. It was hectic. Needles put in Rowan's arms, His front shirt being opened to access his heart.

"We're losing him," said a nurse. "His pulse stopped. We need to try reviving him now."

"Clear!" Yelled the doctor, and zapped Rowan.


"Come on, buddy." said the doctor. "Clear!"


"His face..." said one nurse. "Ouch..."



The doctor stopped. The monitor showed no sign of a heartbeat

"That's it..." said the doctor. "Rowan Miller. Time of death: 9:33pm"


Doctors never really got attached to patients they lose, so it was pretty casual wheeling Rowan's body to the morgue in the hospital basement. However, the doctor did not enjoy looking up Rowan's information and realizing he had a father the doctor would have to break the news to.

The nurses wheeled Rowan into the morgue. They placed him in between two other bodies, and covered him with a white sheet. It was cold down there, almost like a giant fridge.

The nurses left, leaving the room empty. The body of Rowan lying there. Out of the corner of the room, Morgan appeared.

The look on her face was of someone who had gone through so much pain that they were numbed by it at this point. She watched the nurses, hiding, trying to revive her fiancé. She did everything she could to hold back from turning him. She loved him more than anything, but she also wanted Rowan to die as a human.

But it was almost as if her mind started to change as she watched the nurses strip his body after his declared death, putting him in a hospital robe. One of the nurses came across the notebook with the complex equation in it. Morgan realized (since Rowan told her about him and Chris having a code language) that no one would be able to understand the formula. She cared about Rowan's friends, hence Mia, who was getting worse. This made Morgan think about all the other people out there, who desperately needed his treatment.

She had stolen the notebook and clothes, now holding them. Because she had very good hearing, she could hear something inside Rowan that the doctor could not pick up. It happened as they were wheeling him down into the morgue. And it was what made Morgan start to change her mind.

It was a very slow, weak, heartbeat.

The flashbacks came back to her, of Carter saving her life, while she was lifeless in his arms. How he panicked, and bit her while her heart was just barely beating. Now she was in front of a lifeless Rowan, with barely a heartbeat.

She leaned over him, pulling back the sheet and stroking the hair away from his forehead. Tears filled her eyes. A pain grew in her throat.

"I'm so sorry my love," she said, kissing his forehead. "I feel like I shouldn't have waited, and I still don't know if this is the right decision. I don't even know if this will work out..."

It will be okay, said a thought in her head. She wondered if that was God.

Morgan gently tilted Rowan's head back exposing his neck.

"This might hurt," she said, "I love you Rowan, no matter what."

She stretched her jaw, releasing two large fangs, dripping in venom. She snapped her head down, and bit into Rowan's neck. 

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