I know it was a while ago but An0nymousUser taged me and i wrote it in the comments but i can put it here for ease of acess so here is the diddly do thingamjig
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1-go by scoot scoot
2-not sure have had it called dark brown/black
3-hair is black slight red tint because of hair dye
4-upping the ante with five facts 4:1- jumped off of a shed for the boid 4:2- my greatest fear is being lonley 4:3- i've been able to hook 3 of my friends up on a date but im to embarresed to ask my crush out 4:4 i'm nearly 100% certain theres some vodo magic going down in my neighbor hood (I've once was up at aroubd 3 am for me and after watching a 1 hour video i looked at the clock it read 3:01) 4:5- for some reason when i fully extend my arm jt bends inwards
5-favorite color is a sort of red pink hard to describe
6-favorite place is anywhere that i have someone to talk to
7-Rick Astley you know why
8-currently and always have been hooked on A Cruel Angel's Thesis from Neon Genesiss Evangallion
9-Axolotl just look them up they are beings of purity and grace
10-Pretty much any series writen by Marie Lu great author. Also Stormlight Archive great series by Brandon Sanderson although each books is increably long
I don't really know anyone so knock yourself out if you want to