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Julie Pov

I was writing in my diary. I write when ever I am mad and right now I am.
Start of Diary

This was yesterday

I was walking in Target going to go get gifts for my moms friends and I wanted a book for my birthday. I showed it to her and she got all mad and yelled at me I wanted to cry but I just stayed quiet. Why does she have to be so rude?
End of Diary

I miss Donnie can't wait to see him. At least I can talk but I have to be careful not to show him my scars.


I was walking to the end of the lane getting ready to see Donnie and his brothers. I can't wait. I have Donnie's gift and his brothers but I just can't wait. I was walking when all of a sudden I was tackled by....Mikey. "Julie your back" Mikey said. "Hey Mikestar, where's Donnie"I asked. "He is in his lab never gets out of there" he said. "Well let me go check thanks Mikey" and with that said I gave him a peck on the cheek and ran to Donnie's room.


I was walking to Donnie's room,when I heard laughing from Leo's room. I walk in and see him with Mikey looking through my phone. "What the hey man, not cool" I say taking my phone away. "That were some funny photos" Leo says wiping a fake tear. "Shut up" I say walking out of his room. I kept walking to Donnie's room. "Knock,knock" I said. "Julie is that you or Mikey again" he asks. "Well it is your girlfriend" I say. "Julie I missed you and love you" he says really fast and then picks me up then kisses me. The kiss was sweet and slow. We were still kissing until..."mmmhmmm" said....Raph. "Oh hi Raphie" I said. "I told you not to call my that"he grumbles. "I know" I said and left to say high to there father. "Hi Carl" I told him. "Hello Julianna, nice to see you again" he says in a calm tone. "Nice to see you too" I said. "Well you should get some sleep it is late" he says. "True okay, good night" I say. "Good night Julie" he says. Before I head to bed with Donnie I stop at Ralph's room. I mean it is Christmas.

"Raphie?" I ask. "Come in" he grumbles. "Hi,um-Merry Christmas" I say handing him his gift. He opens it and smiles. "Thanks Julie this is awesome" he says as he picks up his new pocket knife. "No problemo, now good night Raphie" I say. "Good night Julie" he says. After Raph I go to Leo. I walk to his room and knock on his door. "Come in" he says. I walk in and place his gift on his lap. "What's this?" he asks. "Open and you will find out" I tell him. He opened it and started fanboying. "THANKYOUSOMUCHJULIEILOVEITSOMUCH!!!!!" he said it so fast I could bearly hear it. "Your welcome" I say. I got him the new Space Hero's game he wanted. The I go to....Mikey. I hope he likes it. I walk in and he tackles me. "GIVEMEGIVEMEGIVEME" he says just like Leo. "Here now get off over me"I say handing him my gift. He opens it and jumps all over the room. "Thank you so much I love it"he says while putting his cd that I got him by The Cab. "Yasssss thank you Julie" he says. "No problem" I say and head to Donnie's room. I walk over and hand him his gift. "ThankyousomuchIloveit"he says so fast I can bearly think. I got him a bo-staff. "No problem babe" and with that we went to bed.

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