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luke sprawled out across his bed, breath heavy and sweat across his forehead. the thin sheet that covered his lower half was stretched between the pair who both occupied the queen sized mattress, their quiet panting melting together as one. running his fingers through his matted hair, luke turned on his side to poke the body next to him.

"c'mon," he hiccuped, a hazy smile on his face. "ashton, get up."

the curly-headed boy lazily opened an eye, suppressing a quite noticeable grin.

"why should i?" ashton mumbled, pulling the sheet to cover his chest. luke rolled over to grab the bottle of half empty whiskey that sat in the middle of numerous glass bottles on his night stand.

he had only called ashton to finalize his acceptance into the heist, and in all honesty, the older male had invited himself over. however, when luke opened the door and was met with the frame of the shorter gripping a paper bag full of liquor bottles, he hadn't had the thought to complain. michael upon meeting ashton hastily left the apartment, muttering something along the lines of luke’s ass health in the morning and running to go get icy-hot for the morning.

after finishing off a whole decanter of cheap wine, ashton was the one who proposed tequila, which soon turned into licking tequila shots off of luke’s stomach. when the tequila ran out, vodka was opened, and the two drowned every previous sceptical thought of each other in alcohol.

so, as ashton drew patterns into luke's chest while taking a long pull, the blonde didn't remember exactly how they got from the marshmallow vodka to sex. but, he does know that it was good.

luke held his hand over ashton's, and leaned forward to press his lips against the corner of ashton’s mouth, lingering for a moment before pulling away.

"calum's probably worried sick. it's one in the morning, ash." he whispered, eyes searching ashton's face for a hint of his usually cold exterior. instead, luke felt elated to see an open visage, hazel eyes warm and inviting. it almost felt like falling off the high dive -- the part where you know you're about to break the surface, but the feeling of pure freedom is overwhelming and you want to pause forever in that exact instant.

but that might just be the liquor talking.

ashton nodded and slipped out from under the blankets, and as luke dozed off, only the stars heard the quiet 'please' that escaped the older's lips.


the pale light that escaped through his curtains made him dizzy, and bursts of color swam across his vision. a pounding headache threatened to split his skull. luke felt like screaming as the memory of tequila shots came floating back, but the night apparently ended there. a gaping hole of time and space was empty between the vodka and sunlight.

sitting up, luke nearly vomited on the carpet. rushing towards the toilet, he retched in that instead.

leaning over the cold porcelain, luke was startled when a hand was felt on his shoulder. looking up, it was a comfort to see lilac haired michael staring down at him.

he pushed back to rest on the wall, and sighed.

"do you know what happened mike?" luke questioned, biting his lip as he made eye contact.

michael bent down to sit next to him, and shrugged.

"judging by the conditions of your room, you got butt-fucked." he smiled and luke groaned, rubbing his eyes. michael wasn't finished though, and spoke again with a wink.

"there's a hole in the wall."


hello uwu heres another short update like always lmAo but starting at chap. 10 things will start to get spicy bear with me folks !!


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