Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

The news about the werewolves sighting in the forest spread throughout Seabrook and Zombie town like wild fire. Causing almost all humans and zombies to go into a state of panic, because of everyone's panic and fear all Anti-monster laws were reinstated. This decision was made by the City Council, which Luna and Addison's parent were both on the council. Their mother was the Mayor and their father was the head of the police/ zombie patrol, their mother was the one to directly order all the monster laws back into place. When Luna had heard her mother declare the laws back into effect, she was furious because of how unfair it was to all the zombies. She knew that her parents meant well and that they were trying to protect the people but unfortunately they were only focused on helping the humans. The City Council was going about this completely wrong. Luna had made sure her parents knew about her opinion before she left City Hall with Zoey holding her hand, both of them heading to Zombie town.

Since Zoey and Zed dad, Zevon, was in charge of the worker working on taking down the old Seabrook Power Plant, he had to make sure all of them left and headed to their homes safely. Luna had told him that she would take Zoey home and stay with her until he got back.

This leads to the present time, with Luna and Zoey sitting on the front steps of Zoey's house waiting for her dad to come home. Zoey is working on a 'Were-friend Wanted' poster. Luna is keeping an eye on Zoey and watching everyone around them running in panic. The humans running out of Zombie town and the zombies running out of Seabrook. Looking over to Zoey, a soft smile graces Luna's lips as she watches her work hard on making her poster. She was very happy and a little bit relieved that Zoey wasn't scared like everyone else; all she wanted was a friend that was different like her.

"All done," Zoey exclaims as she shows Luna her poster proudly.

"It looks great, Little One," Luna tells her.

The poster was a child's drawing of a werewolf; which looked more like a wolf standing on two legs and in clothing, the words 'Wanted Were-friend' in big letters.

"Luna, can we go hang it up?" she asks while giving Luna big puppy dog eyes.

Seeing the look sent her way, she lets out a playful groan before replying, "Okay, okay, just stop giving me the puppy eyes, Little One. Come on, let's go get a hammer and nail, we'll hang your amazing poster up at the bus stop where everyone will see it."

Zoey jumps up in excitement, running into the house. Luna laughs at how excited Zoey is as she gets up and follows her into the house. A few minutes later, both girls are standing in front of the Bus Stop sign next to the house. Zoey is nailing her poster into the wooden post as Luna watches to make sure she doesn't hurt herself. People around the girls are still running around in panic; from the corner of Luna's eye two things catch her attention.

The first is Zevon heading in their direction form down the road. This meant that he had gotten his workers to leave work and head to their homes for safety. The second thing is a man in a Seabrook Power uniform that was also heading in their direction. What catch her eye about him was that he was not in full blown panic like everyone else; she could tell by his body language that he was slightly nervous but not panicked at all. She could also feel something when she looks at him, like a pulling, like she wanted and needed to be near him, that he was important to her.

She watches him stop in front of Coach's Fro-yo cart. It looks like Coach was saying something to the stranger but they were too far for her to hear what they were saying. A few seconds later, Coach runs off with his cart yelling something about "high knees". After a second, the stranger states heading in their direction again.

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