Chapter 5

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" you've been getting out right Cemal?" My mother's accusing tone made me antsy " remember what happened last year?"

" I remember very clearly mom, " I'm so glad I hadn't video called her so she couldn't see me in my office " I've been getting out more."

It was a small lie but it still made me feel bad, actually it wasn't a lie. I remembered the bar I went to a few weeks back and sighed, I hadn't lied to my mom.

" And what have you been doing other then overworking?" Damn it's like she knew.

" I went to a bar a few weeks ago..."
I trailed off and prepared for her to yell at me for repeating last years mistake. Last year I had over worked myself so much I had passed out walking home from work and woke up in the hospital. 

" Momma I promise to get out more, as a matter of fact I remember seeing a market on the way to my office I'll stop by there when I'm done here."

" So you are at work!" I face palmed at my own mess up, I should really choice my words better " Baby I'm hanging up now and you better go to that market! "

I rolled my eyes when she in fact hung up on me. I looked out my office window with a heavy heart, so many miles stood between my family and I. It was so hard sometimes to stay here when I missed them this much but I knew my families love stretched to reach me from my home back in Turky.

I moved from booth to booth with a small smile. Just like I promised my mother I had went to the market and I was actually enjoying myself. My smile widened when I seen the next booth, tons of  beautifully hand crafted candles all in dozens of colors lined the table top.

I picked up a honey colored candle, the glass was the color of frost and engraved with honeycomb shapes. I was so impressed, I wondered how much time and love webt into this one candle. It smelled of milk and honey, the same scent of my mother's favorite shampoo. I fought back the lump in my throat and grabbed another one in the same scent.

" I'll take these two, " I watched the elderly lady smile and pick them up " Do you hand make these yourself or do you have help? They're absolutely beautiful."

" I make them with my grandson and husband. These are the last two of these." She carefully wrapped them in red tissue paper before placing them in a white bag. She told me the price and I paid but shoved a tip in the tip jar when I left.

I held the bag up in front of my face and smiled a wide smile. One person down two more to go, my father and sister would be much harder to find gifts for.

I really had no clue what a sixteen year old girl could want, I stood in front of a booth of jewelry. I looked over the items confused, I wasn't that close to my sister we had an age gap of seventeen years. I chewed my lip, as I looked over everything. My parents had adopted Marie when she was twelve I had already been living in my own apartment. Our interactions were limited to her asking for help on homework, rides to after school activities and talking to teachers in place of our busy parents.

Before I could make a choice something slammed into my head from the side knocking me down. I tried to catch myself and let go of the bag without thinking, my head slammed into the side of the booth.

" Oh my god are you okay!" A man kneeled next to me and helped me sit up " that football came out of no where.  I'll get some ice from my booth for your head."

I rubbed my head and grabbed my bag that lay at my feet, I prayed to god my candles were okay. I carefully pulled one out and unwrapped it sighing in relief that at least this one so far had made it.

However I couldn't say that much for the second one it now sported a huge spider crack in the beautiful frosted glass. I stared down at the ruined candle in my hands, I wondered if I could somehow fix it. Probably not I'd have to send the other one by itself for her.

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