Adam jones x y/n enimes to lovers

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I throw my messy hair into a low ponytail and I throw on my flannel and my fedora. Fedora... that's something that Adam would wear.. I quickly threw it off my head in disgust. Adam Jones... the guitarist of sm6band... also the sexiest member. I stopped my thought process, my jaw dropping as I realized what I just said. I must be going insane to think that. I pinched myself gently, in guilt.
"I suppose I could go on tik tok.."
I thought in my head.
I open up the app, and brain deadly watched it for 30 minutes. As I was scrolling in the zone, something caught my eye; is it..? No. It can't be.
It was Adam Jones and his family.
"Don't flinch challenge!" They yell passionately at the screen.
I then saw it... Adam Jones in his red teashirt. As he was honked at, he jumped a little, and then chuckled it off. I bit my lip without realizing it. "haha what a loser 😂" I thought to myself" i rewatched the video 10 times just to see Adam chuckle again. I then looked through the comments hoping to find hate on him. I then saw something.... off "#freeadam" I growled, and dug my claws into my bed sheets. What is this madness?? Adam has fans?? This feeling... what is it??? Anger...?... jelousy???... lust?? 😏. I threw my phone down and then stomped downstairs to see my mom waiting at the door step. Me and my mom don't have the best relationship, she was often out drinking with all kinds of guys hoeing around.
"Slut" I said to her.
She softly growled.
"Nows not the time for this, I have some... um... news for you."
I rolled my eyes.
"Is it another boyfriend, wonder how long this one will last!"
I said laughing at her
"No you're being adopted fat bitch" she said very angrly.
"What??!!!!!! By who???!??????" I screamed.
She opened up the door and then I saw it, my jaw dropping, I started foaming up in the mouth too. It was aaaaaa-a-a-aa ADAM AND HIS FAMILY. I quickly ran upstairs, embarrassed that he had to see me looking like this... not that I care about him or anything!!!
I could hear my mom yelling from downstairs for me to come back, I ignored her and shoved my head into the pillow. I heard a knock at the door.
"Go away mom." I said hissingly.
I then heard the knock again. Ok now this is getting on my neves. I stomped to the door and whipped it open.
Adam: h-hey
He tipped his fedora at me.
Y/N: omg adam I thought you were my mom, sorry.
Adam: haha dont worry about it, hey... you look fimular.
I hesitated to speak, I stood there looking at the ground:
Adam: ohhh thats it, we competed before at battle of the bands!!
Y/N: yeah, and I think it's clear that I was the winner of that.
Adam: wow, aren't you a fisty girl... it's ok. I like that in women
I crossed my legs and gasped, why is my enemy talking to me like this!!!
In panick,I fiercely growled at him. Surprisingly, he growled back and walked closer towards me. I walked back, making direct eye contact with him. He continued to walk until I fell into the bed. He climbed ontop of me, and then licked my cheeck. he then got up and smirked at me, adjusting his fedora. Adam: That's for saying I lost the battle of the bands when I clearly won.
I was paralyzed, not knowing what just happened. Am I dreaming????

adam jones enemies to lovers y/nWhere stories live. Discover now