Chapter 6:

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"I'll go first, then." I said sitting at one of the desks. "Why did you lie to us?"

"Because we thought it would be best. And he probably wouldn't come back for you. Guess we were wrong about that. Where were you?"

"I have no idea. He took me to his apartment. That's all I know. Did you know the class wants a detailed explanation of what happened? What am I supposed to say?"

"Lie. Make something up. They can't know that he's alive."

"They're going to find out sooner or later." Katsuki said.

"Well not now. Did he talk to you?"

"You can say his name. Yes Midoriya did talk to me. We had conversations. Do you use lying to cover up anything you don't want to say?"

"Not everything. When and where did you first see Izuku?"

"On my way to my parents house. He kidnapped me and took me to his apartment. He let me go the next day, and I talked to him again that Sunday. Does his mom know?"

Aizawa paused.

"no." All Might said.


"You expect me to go to her, tell her that I failed to protect him? What I promised to do? And now he's running around with the league of villains? How could I face her after that?"

"I... I'm sorry, All Might."

"Do you know his status with them?"

"All I know is he orders Toga. That's the only person we came into contact with. How did the raid go? Did you see All For One?"

"He wasn't there, and we were successful. No lives lost."


"I should have asked this first, are you okay? Hurt at all?"

"No. Not a scratch. Midoriya wouldn't let them touch me."

"He wouldn't?"

"Nope. Toga tried... she either got punched, or tripped, or maybe slammed into a wall?"

"You don't know?"

"I was blindfolded."


"Last question, what do we do?"

"What do you mean?"

"We know he's out there. He said he would leave me alone, but... I don't know if I want him to. Is that bad?"

"He was your friend. But he's not the same person, okay? You need to know that. And you don't do anything. You have school to worry about. No more work studies. Just focus on school. Okay?"

I nodded. "I will answer three more questions."

"Can you contact him?"

I paused, then nodded.

"What did you two talk about?"

"Well... he said he changed because of All For One. He's basically the new All Might for him. Saying you were useless... and All For One is the best... it really didn't sound like him."

"Okay, last question. Would you try to remember your whereabouts to their apartment building so we can raid it and possibly take them all out?"

"I..." I stopped and thought about it. This should be an easy question. I'm a hero. I need to say yes. But it's Deku... "um... sure. I guess I could try. I don't see that being likely though. Two times I was taken there I was drugged. I don't really remember."

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