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A/N: Dedicated to OyyRinichieee

Let the story begin ~

Year 1750, Crown Academy was built. It was an exquisite school for princes and princesses from all over the world. As if when the gates opened, the school was immidiately flooded with princes and princesses. Everyone was treated equally.

July 9.. The richest princesses and princes from the US came. Princess Emily of Washington, Princess Rae of New York, Prince Robert of Dallas and Prince Will of Nevada.

It felt like as Emily and Will passed by each other, it was love at first sight. Emily and Will then got together a few weeks later. Rae was jealous of their love story and of Emily who got the boy. So, she thougt of a plot.

As if luck was on her side, on the night before finals, Emily, Will, Rae and Robert were studying together in the boys' room. Robert then went to the library to get more books and Emily went out to buy more sweets.

Rae then offered Will a cup of tea which she spiked beforehand. She then took advantage of the situation and made him do "it" with her. Just in time, Robert was about to go in when he stopped in his tracks. He heard sounds.. Moans to be exact.

'I must not let Emily know about this.' He thought

So, he called her and told her they were going to study in the library instead. Emily being the girl who easily believes in what everyone says fell for it.

As days passed by, slowly as if surely, Emily and Will grew apart. Will always made excuses like "I have soccer practice" or "I'm busy". Emily understood that her boyfriend is a busy person until she finally saw for herself what her boyfriend's excuses meant as she and Robert walked by their usual hangout place as a group, the giant Oak tree.

Will was cheating with her best friend, Rae. She felt as if het heart broke into a thousand pieces. Robert felt sorry for Emily. She approached them and slapped Will.. HARD.

He turned to her and Emily saw his eyes had a look of pain, guilt, pride and boredness in his eyes. Rae then was about to pull Will for a kiss again until Emily slapped her.

"Why, Will?" Emily's eyes began to water

"WHY? With my best friend?!" She yelled histerically

"Simple." Will stated

"I got bored of you and Rae gave me something O want. I am a man, Em. I have my needs." He said

Will received a punch across the face. He turned around and looked at Robert who was blazing with fury.

"You're an idiot!" Robert yelled

"An idiot for what?" Will asked smirking

"For hurting Emily! All she did was.. Love and understand you and you repay her with this?!" Robert asks

"Okay. Will. Let's finish our business in my room." Rae pulled Will away

"Don't even think that I'll think of you as a brother ever again!" Robert said as the couple walked away

Many heard of the breakup. Many heard of the new couple. Many heard of the broken brotherhood.

Crown Academy:

51% = Boys

49% = Girls

Most of the boys blamed the girls for breaking a bond of two men who were once brothers. So, they began treating girls badly. Like slaves. Girls who were girlfriends of some boys were the only ones treated normally.

This continued until 1810.. The Princess of London, Elizabeth Smith II, came. She rebeled against the boys. Against the leader, Ethan Harris. In some part of their little "fight", they fell for each other. The fight then ended and girls were treated normally until the couple graduated in 1814.

Boys then continued belittling girls and thought of them as slaves, as toys they can throw away when they lose interest in them.

Year 2015, will the feud continue or will it end? Will the boys win or will the girls? Find out what will happen between.

1. "Bipolar" James VS "Emotional" Ally

2. "Cassanova" Alec VS "Hard-To-Get" Charice

3. "Cool" Caleb VS "Ms. Serious" Errie

4. "Playful" Keith VS "Easily-Annoyed" Steff

Find out. Now.

A/N: Important!! ( ^ ▼ ~ ) *
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